Selasa, 06 Juli 2010

The Ring 3D Is Coming!:

According to FEARnet and THR Heat Vision Blog there will be a new Ring movie and it will be coming out in 3D. Enough with the 3D movies already! I swear once My Bloody Valentine 3D came out it seems like every director had to jump on the 3D train, it's annoying and people need to stop making them. THR Heat Vision Blog has also announced David Loucka (Dream House) to write the Ring. The original producers Walter Parkes and Laurie MacDonald are in negotiations to return, but there is no director yet. 'The new film is being fashioned as more teen-centric than the first, and though the logline is being kept under wraps, the aim is to reinvent the franchise. One potential scenario involves teens finding a VHS player that still works.

So basically it's going to be a remake of the very first Ring and this will be the third adaption to the franchise. Has Hollywood Horror really lost it's spunk? Are they seriously out of ideas of horror movies that they have to keep making sequels to big name horror movies? I guess so! Certain horror movies they should of just killed off and stop making sequels are The Saw movies, and the Scream movies. In Saw they should of stopped after the third movie and just make it be a trilogy. From everyone I know who's into the Saw movies HATED the third movie, me on the other hand liked the third but still they should of stopped after that one cause everyone hated that one and since Jigsaw died in the third one. I mean come on, he's dead! Why the hell are you milking out the franchise?! Just let it be over.

The Scream movies should of stopped after the third one and have it be a trilogy. I understand that they always want to make a sequel to a big horror movie but just do one sequel you don't need to make 5 sequels, that's just over kill. The Nightmare On Elm Street movies had 6 sequels including New Nightmare and Freddy Vs. Jason and they all got cheesier after the next. Even though I loved every single Nightmare movie and have the box set they really should of just stopped after the very first Nightmare movie cause the 2ND Nightmare was the beginning of the cheese fest. The Ring is a different story (kinda) The first one was scary and creepy, Samara crawling out of the well and T.v. scared the shit out of me but the 2ND Ring had more details to it but it wasn't scary so instead of ruining the franchise they should just stop right there and not do the third one especially not in 3D. I'm sorry but I do not want to watch Samara crawl out of the T.v. in 3D, No thank you!!

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