Kamis, 25 April 2013

May Monster Madness Is Back!!

That's right you guys! May Monster Madness is back and I'm pumped! At first I was a little worried cause I couldn't think of anything to post about but with a help of a good friend, I figured it out. ;)

May Monster Madness is a blog hop that goes through May 11th to 17th. For the blog hop you can post anything that's about Monsters. Last year I made a post for each of the Universal Monsters. It's a great way to meet a lot of cool people in the horror world and read some fun articles about Monsters.

If you want to sign up or just read up on your Monsters from everyone that is involved, just scroll down and sign up and add the blog links to your blog roll to keep up to date of the blog hop. :)

Minggu, 21 April 2013

Movie Review: Doll Graveyard (Mild Spoilers)

In 1911, 12 year old Sophia was playing in one of the rooms of her house with her four homemade dolls, that her abusive father forbid her to be in. After her father has finally had enough, he forced her to bury her dolls in the backyard. After she "slips" and breaks her neck, her father buries her along with her dolls.

94 years later, the Fillbrook family moves into the house. The son, Guy finds the dolls while playing in the backyard. The dolls become possessed with Sophia's spirit to protect Guy from the constant bullying he faces from his older sister, Deedee and her friends, Olivia, Rich and Tom. Now it's up to the kids to survive the night from the killer dolls.

There is so many things wrong in this movie. I'll start with the acting. Awful, just awful. It's like they weren't even trying to give a great performance. I could of acted more scared in this movie then any of those actors. You would think after seeing your boyfriend get killed from getting bitten in the crotch by one of the dolls, your scream would sound more terrified then a fake croak.

Deedee was your typical valley girl bitch. Hearing her talk is like nails on a chalk board along with her slutty friend, Olivia. She tried to come off more as a hot slut then a dumb blonde. Unfortunately for her the dumb blonde showed through a lot more. I really don't think that was their intention.

Guy was whiny in the movie since he had to deal with all the bullying. His acting was so bad, it came off as though this was his first acting gig. The so called tough jocks, Rich and Tom were idiots. Rich was the worst. I know some jocks are stupid but not all of them are. And they aren't THAT stupid. Rich was the mean bully and his friend, Tom was a lot nicer to Guy but still beat him up with Rich as a result of peer pressure. I think they should of had Tom be mean along with Rich. It didn't mesh well with one being mean and the other kind of of nice but still went along with the bullying.

The only one who actually did a somewhat decent performance (not by much) was Terri who has a crush on Guy. You could tolerate her acting throughout the movie.

Sophia and her Father were equally as bad. Sophia with her "Please daddy, I won't do it again. Please they're my friends." And her father, "You slow dumb witted girl." Good hell, who talks like that?

Next, the contrast of the film was horrible. It looked like it was filmed in the late 80's early 90's. I know they weren't trying to make it look like that since they made it known that it was set in present day of the year 2005. Most of the death scenes were stupid. Sophia falls into the grave that's pretty much a foot deep. I really doubt that can kill her. If it can then I'll be damned.

The script was poorly written. The dialogue between the actors was dumbfounding. While watching this movie I kept thinking to myself, were they drunk when they made this movie??? The story line was bad, and even if they got a new script it still would of been awful. The dolls looked like crap. They were creepy but still crap. They looked like a rip off of the puppets from The Puppetmaster, which is kind of funny since Charles Band who was one of the writers of the Puppetmaster was the director and writer of this movie.

This movie wasn't good and it's a one time watch. Two if you're extremely bored but I don't see myself watching this movie again in my near future. It wasn't that entertaining but I managed to stay focused on the movie instead of drifting off and that is a huge accomplishment for me since the movie was awful. Don't waste your time by watching this movie. I did because I bought a DVD featuring 20 horror films.

I give this movie 1 1/2 out of 5 Skulls.

P.s. Was this a bad rip off of Dolls?

Rabu, 10 April 2013

Movie Review: Evil Dead 2013

Evil Dead is the remake of the 1981 cult classic, The Evil Dead. Five friends head to an isolated cabin to help their friend, Mia kick start her sobriety. They stumble along a Book of the Dead and unknowingly summon up Demons living in the nearby woods. One by one the evil presence possesses them until one of them is left to fight for survival.

I enjoyed this movie a lot and thought they did a great job. I can't remember seeing that much blood in a movie and it was awesome. The acting was pretty good. Jane Levy, who played the lead, Mia did a great job with that role, her acting did wane a couple of times throughout the movie but managed to stay on top for the most part.

The supporting actors held their own and weren't bad and sometimes even believable. Some were better than others but the acting overall wasn't horrible. I wasn't expecting top notch performances either. I liked how they had no CGI and relied solely on their special effects. It made a lot of people cringe and jump during the movie. I would think if you go to movies like these you would be use to all of the shock value they produce.

It wasn't that funny, which it wasn't trying to be. There were parts I laughed out loud to, then again I was the only one laughing in the theatre. I tend to laugh at things in movies that a lot of people don't laugh at. I guess I'm easily amused. I've heard a lot of reviewers were complaining that the remake wasn't funny like the original.

I didn't think the original was funny and I didn't know they were trying to make it that way. That's because they weren't, not intentionally anyway. I think they're mistaking the original for the sequel. I really liked how this movie wasn't too fast or too slow. It had a happy medium of pace. I hate going to movies and feeling like you're being rushed through the movie which makes it hard to digest each scene since you only see it for two seconds.

I did feel like there was something lacking in this movie. I'm not sure what it is but it seemed that something was missing and they didn't add that certain thing to make this movie 5 skulls. I can't put my finger on it but if I did I would have to wash it. The reason why I think I enjoyed this movie so much was because I didn't like the original. I know, I know. Let me hear it.

I found the original boring and hard to get into, I think I need to give it another watch to see if that changed cause I watched it a few years ago. It makes sense that I liked the remake instead of the original. I usually never like the remake AND the original, it's either one or the other. A lot of people would say that it's blasphemy that I didn't like the original. No, what's blasphemy is them remaking Children of the Corn and adding a prequel to boot.

One thing I found funny was they put on the poster "Scariest film you will ever see." I don't think so. This movie was not scary at all, it was cringe worthy I'll give it that much. But to go as far as to say it's the scariest film is their way of sticking their foot in their mouths. People that watch horror movies won't get scared easily and your chances of scaring them with your horror movie is very slim. The jump scares were even a bummer. If you're going to claim that your movie is the scariest film you will ever see then you better live up to that statement or you're going to have a lot of pissed off and annoyed horror fans. Don't tease us.

All in all, you got a movie loaded with a gory good time and awesome special effects and some humor if you're easily amused like me. Give it a watch, can't hurt. I give this movie 4 out of 5 skulls.