Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

Jenny Krueger's 7 Signs Of The Apocalypse

For as long as I can remember I have always been intrigued with the Apocalypse. The thought about the Devil rising up and ending the world fascinated me. No wonder why people always call me a Devil worshiper. ;) That is also why I love Exorcism movies. It doesn't matter what Religion you belong to, everyone is familiar with the Apocalypse. There is the Zombie Apocalypse where the world will be taken over by Zombies. Then there's thee Apocalypse with the Devil rising up. In the Catholic Religion they talk about the 7 signs of the Apocalypse. Hmmm... 7 signs, 7 Deadly Sins. Go figure. In Supernatural they mention 66 seals being broken to free Lucifer out of his cage so he can end the world.

We all have different meanings for the word Apocalypse with the main event being the end of the world. I have come up with 7 signs that I think will bring on the Apocalypse. Without further ado.......

Jenny Krueger's 7 Signs Of The Apocalypse!!

1: I dye my hair back to Blond.

You might not know this but my natural hair color is Blond. I've been dying my hair Black for several years and I love it. I don't feel like my true self with Blond hair which is why I won't go back.

2: I stop drinking Coke all together.

HA, fat chance on that! People who know me knows how I am addicted to Coke. It is definitely my drug of choice. The only time I stop drinking Coke is when I go on a diet and even that doesn't last long. I have to be in a hospital bed hooked up to a I.V. with the Doctor telling me if I don't stop drinking Coke I'll die. With that, I would only consider it. ;)

3: Country music becomes my favorite.

I HATE Country music. The sound of it sounds like nails on a chalk board to me. The only type of music I like is hard rock/ metal. If I can't head bang to it then I won't like it. Well, you can head bang to Country music but you're going to look pretty damn stupid doing it.

4: I love Chick Flicks.

I will watch almost any type of movie except for that one. Chick Flicks make me want to vomit. I don't like all that mushy crap. Oh, your boyfriend left you to go fight in the war? Well boo hoo! Get over it, you big baby!

5: Pink is my favorite color.

That color is too girly for me. My closet consist of the colors Black, White and Grey, sometimes Red. I hardly ever wear Pink because I don't like it and I feel uncomfortable in it. The only time I had to wear Pink is when I had to look "professional." Give me a break.

6: Horror Movies & Zombies are a thing in the past.

Really? Those are the things that define who I am. I am proud to have the Horror Industry apart of my hobby and life. Get rid of that and I might as well dye my hair back to Blond and start wearing Pink. :/

7: I have a weak stomach w/ movies.

When it comes to Horror Movies I have a pretty tough stomach. It takes a lot and I do mean a lot to gross me out and make me queasy. With that being said I can handle any type of movie. The Human Centipede (obsession) didn't even gross me out, I thought it was bland on the gross factor. Call me desensitized I don't care, I didn't find it disgusting. :D

There you have it, the 7 signs of the Apocalypse. Now that we have had our Bible lesson for the day, you are now on Red Alert for these signs. If you see any of these things happening take cover, things will get bad and fast. ;)

P.s. PLEASE nominate my blog for the Horror Blog Award!! Also please nominate Jeremy from iZombie for the Best Design Award.

TheMovie411 Blog Awards 2011

Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

It's Back!! TheMovie411 Blog Awards 2011

TheMovie411 Blog Awards are back for 2011! I am here to ask you all a favor. If it's not too much trouble would you PLEASE nominate my blog for the Best Horror Blog award? I've worked so hard on this blog and have such a love for the industry and it would mean so much if my blog could win this award. With this award I'm able to get my blog out there and recognized by a lot of people. Here are the Blog Award rules.

To nominate yours or someone’s blog for an award all you need to do is e-mail themovie411@live.co.uk with nomination in the subject box. You must state which award you are nominating the blog for and the link to that blog, in the case of the best post award, you will also include the link to that pacific post as well as leaving your name and your own blog link. Only bloggers can nominate, and they must be followers of TheMovie411 so we can keep track of multiple voting (hence why you have to include your own blog link in the e-mail). Make sure you/they fit the criteria for the award your nominating for. Blogs that are suitable for the chosen award, and depending on how many nominations they receive will display a nomination badge much like the one pictured right. You can only nominate yourself or another blog for a maximum of two awards, and multiple voting from the same blogger and e-mail account will result in dismissal of nomination. A confirmation e-mail will be sent once your nomination has been processed, normally within 24hrs.

The Nomination round closes November 28th, and the Top5 that receives the most nominations in each category will progress to the online vote round at the beginning of December.

The Categories

Best Post - Have you come across a particular movie review or a piece on a movie topic that has just blown your mind? Then nominate it! Nominees for this award must have an exceptional post in regards to a movie topic or review, or even on an actor/actress.

Last year the gong went to Russell Cook for his post at Cine-Vue on the movie I Spit On Your Grave. If you have a post that you think is just as good or know of someone else’s work you would like to nominate, then e-mail us with the link to the post along with your details.

Best Newcomer- Everyone that is serious about blogging knows just how hard it is to start your own blog and gain them all important readers. If you are new to blogging or know someone that is, you/they have to have been blogging for at least 6 months and show not only a good knowledge of writing, but good continuity of posts.

Best Gossip- We all love a good rumour, even if they don’t turn out to be true. Many love to write about what they think about a certain casting or what they think may happen in a movie or sequel to a movie. Some love to report the confirmed. It’s all gossip - sound like anybody you know?

Best Horror - For all them movie blogs dedicated to horror, must show a fascination for the genre and post frequently on horror movies.
The same criteria goes for Best Comedy, Best Action, Best Animation and Best Sci-Fi focusing on each genre.

Best Design - A good design to your blog is important, your own logo, banner, the way you choose to lay your blog out etc, with so many cool designs out there, who will get your vote?

Sexiest Male and Female award- One of our more fun awards, who do you think are the sexiest male and female blog writers in the blogoshere? They must have a picture of themselves clearly on their blog/site.

Special Achievement - This is our judges choice award and will not be up for online voting. Though you can still nominate your favourite blogs.
Blogs must have at least 150 followers, show an in depth love for what they do and a dedication to their readers. Their posts will be of a high standard and of good design. Finally, will have achieved something that many blogs strive to do, a brilliant interview that Empire magazine could only wish for maybe?

Gold Award - Our top award, won last year by Hollywood Spy is the most sought after. Must have at least 150 followers, great design, showing an in depth love for writing and a dedication to their readers. Displaying an array of movie topics, including reviews, gossip, news and have gone that extra mile to please their readers.

If you could please do this for me I will love you forever and ever! I already love all of my followers and fellow horror friends but I will love you even more! :D

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

Blog Award! *Happy Dance*

I am happy to announce that I have been awarded the iDig Your Blog Award from the wonderful Emma at Little Gothic Horrors. Thank you, thank you Emma, you're a doll! :D It makes me so happy when my blog gets an award cause I've worked so hard on this and I'm glad everyone likes it. :) Here are the blog award rules.....

1 ) Gratefully accept this award.
2 ) Link to the person you received it from.3 ) Post 3 interesting facts about yourself.
4 ) Pass this award around to at least 5 blogs you dig.
5 ) Notify them.

The 3 interesting facts about me are..

1: I may be a lover of all things Horror and Halloween but Christmas is my favorite holiday. Don't worry, Halloween is a close second.

2: I love Vanilla Ice Cream but I hate the smell of Vanilla.

3: When I was 16 I developed a fear of driving and I was too scared to drive so I didn't get my license till 3 months before my 19Th birthday.

My 5 picks..

1: Nicole from Living Dead Girl Nicole
We share a common love for Rob and Sheri Moon Zombie. She's super talented and her art is beautiful. Her blog is definitely one to check out.

2: Fred from Full Moon Reviews
One of my favorite blogs and Facebook buddies. His reviews are very well written and such a joy to read. (Sorry about the lack of comments Fred!)

3: Aaron from The Death Rattle
This is such a bad ass blog and I always look forward to reading it every day. He also has awesome interviews with a lot of Actors/Actresses and Directors in the Horror Industry.

4: Andrew from Who wants taters?
This is one of the funniest blogs you will ever read. I find my stomach in pain from laughing so hard. If you ever need a pick me up this is the blog for you.

5: Jeremy from iZombie

He is one of my most loyal followers and I appreciate all of his wonderful comments. I love his blog and see great things happening with his blog.

Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

Stop the madness!! Just say no!!

When October comes around we usually get a few decent Horror Movies hitting the theatres. Not anymore, the horror genre has started to go down hill a couple of years ago. What do we have this year? Paranormal Activity 3. Good Hell! It seems that the only horror movies coming out for Halloween or the main horror movie of the year for that matter is usually one of the Paranormal Activity and SAW movies. Horror, my love. Are you feeling okay? You haven't been yourself lately. Nowadays the only thing we see is, never ending sequels to movies that should of ended after the 3rd one. We've been seeing nothing but remakes after remake, mainly of movies that shouldn't of been remade in the first place. Movies that have so many plot holes in them, every time a scene changes you instantly get confused and shout out "What the Hell just happened?!" It looks to me that the horror film makers have gotten a little lazy.

Producer: "We need to come up with a new idea for a horror movie."Director: "Nah! Let's just remake a movie that has already been remade five times and then when we're done we'll make a sequel. See? We're set for the entire year! Now get out so I can get back to counting my money."

Lazy Fat Cats. Horror is going down hill because film makers rather remake a movie or make a sequel to the other five sequels instead of putting the effort into coming up with a movie that doesn't suck. They're lazy and afraid of taking a chance on a concept because they don't know how society is going to react. Screw society! Go out and take a chance, you're never going to know how the audience will react if you don't make your movie. Who cares if they hate it, at least you had the balls to make it and show the world what lingers in your mind. This brings me to Tom Six, the director of the movie The Human Centipede. I have quite the little crush on that man. Why? Because he makes movies that speak to my heart.

What I love about that man is that he thought of a concept that was out of the ordinary and that was sick and twisted. Instead of being afraid of what everyone will think, he went for it and man I am glad he did. This type of movie had everything I wanted. The first movie fell a little short with the shock value since I'm so desensitized it takes a lot to shock me. Even though it wasn't as shocking as I wanted I still loved it and thought it was a wonderful movie. The type of horror movies I love are the ones that get your heart pumping and leave you with a eerie feeling, also horror movies that make you think "what the fuck!?" and gives you a rush. I live for those types of movies and I love the feeling it gives me. I get such a high off of movies that are so sick and twisted that I'm craving for more.

I'm looking forward to part 2 of The Human Centipede cause that's suppose to be even more sick and shocking then the first one. That is exactly what I need! More film makers need to be like Tom Six. I've read a lot of mean comments about him saying he's a sick bastard and he needs to be in a mental hospital. Why? Is it because he thought outside the box and wasn't afraid to take a chance on a movie that was going to be controversial? Everyone is so easily offended and they need to pull the stick out of their ass. This is what horror is and what it should be. The genre needs to get back to it's true horror roots and put an end to the constant making of sequels and remakes. What we have going for us in the horror world is, Wrong Turn 4, Paranormal Activity 4. SCREAM 4, 5,6, and 7. The remake of Child's Play, sequels to the remakes of A Nightmare On Elm Street and possibly Friday The 13Th.

We might also see a sequel to Beetlejuice, the remake of Stephen King's IT, they came out with the remake of Children of the Corn and now a prequel. It's not over yet, there's going to be a Ring 3 in 3D annnnd The Texas Chainsaw Massacre in 3D. See a pattern here? Lazy, lazy, lazy and no originality. What I'm trying to say is STOP REMAKING MOVIES AND SEQUELS THAT WE HAVE ALREADY SEEN 6 TIMES!! It was bad when they had to remake A Nightmare On Elm Street cause not only did they shit all over it, they chose the worse person to play him. No offense to Jackie Earle Haley I just think they could of gotten someone better since they didn't want to use Robert Englund. (jackasses) To top that off they remade the love of my life, Children of the Corn. That movie was HORRIBLE. I know he made the remake more like the book which is why I didn't like it cause I read the book after I watched the original so I wasn't happy with it. Like that wasn't bad enough they had to make a damn prequel. That movie didn't need a prequel, we understand the concept of the movie.

Brainwashed evil children go psycho and kill all the adults in town and sacrifice them to He Who Walks Behind The Rows, WE GET IT!!! Please stop the madness, my heart can't take it anymore!

Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011

How To Survive A Horror Movie!

We watch a lot of Horror movies around here. Some more then others, but we all share a common bond and love for the genre. With thee amount of Horror movies we all watch we tend to pick up on certain things that "normal" people wouldn't even think to notice. For example, we notice all the mistakes the characters make and we get very annoyed by them. Really, you're running away from the killer and you've managed to trip over yourself and fall into a ditch? Seriously, come on! I can't tell you how much it bothers me to watch a Horror movie and see someone get killed out of pure idiocy. If this was "real life" you will be just like the movies, dead man walking. Because of this I have come up with a list of rules to help you out if and when you fall victim of a crazed psycho masked/unmasked killer.

Jenny Krueger presents "How to survive a Horror Movie." (In no particular order.)

"All the skills to dodge the kills."

1: Stay away from Cornfields!!

When you're running away from the killer and you see a huge ass cornfield, you stop to think to yourself. "Hmmm.. that looks safe, I'll go hide in there!" Just a little problem with your plan honey, you run into a cornfield you not only have to worry about the killer coming after you cause I guarantee he's going to see you rummaging through the field and now you have about 20 demonic possessed children ready to sacrifice your stupid ass to He Who Walks Behind The Rows.

2: Don't babysit over the weekend!!

Nothing good ever comes from babysitting. You have to deal with spoiled little brats, you're not doing anything fun, you get paid jack shit and some creepy ass dude is watching you outside the window while he pervs out, waiting for you to fall asleep so he can kill you. It's no surprise that HALLOWEEN was originally titled The Baby Sitter Murders.

3: Don't answer the phone!!

This usually falls in line with # 2. You're all alone in your house and you get this feeling like you're being watched then suddenly the phone rings. DON'T ANSWER IT!! Seriously, these people are stupid. If you HAVE to answer the phone then don't have a damn conversation with the person on the other line. I highly doubt he's interested in your latest "boyfriend drama."

4: Avoid looking for trouble!!

You're walking down the street and you start to hear a creepy noise in the background, keep walking and don't look back. If the noise in the background is making you feel nervous and uneasy then there's most likely a good reason for it. So, if you hear a scary noise don't go look to see what it is. Jackass!

5: Run, don't hide!!

In a lot of Horror movies when the killer tries to attack people one person usually runs upstairs or to the basement to avoid the killer. This tactic never works! If you don't run out of the house to escape then the killer will get a hold of you and kill you. Without fail, it always happens. What I would like to know is why do these morons think running upstairs, to the basement or even into the closet for that matter is actually going to help them? You do realize that running into a closet is basically backing yourself into a corner with no way out? Guess not cause they keep on doing it. By all means, run and hide in the closet if it makes you feel safe. I'm sure the killer won't see you standing behind all the coats.

6: Be prepared!!

You never know what's going to happen so you better be prepared for anything. The tag line "better safe then sorry" is very true in this situation. Keep some loaded guns ready for battle, a Latin book of Exorcisms. Salt, lots and lots of salt and knives, just in case. Nothing is wrong with being overly prepared, I mean If Dean Winchester can sleep with a knife and holy water under his bed then so can you.

7: Last but not least. Don't be stupid!!

I can't say this enough, if you're going to be in a Horror movie then you cannot be stupid. You can't expect to survive if you're running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. Have some common sense. Just think, if this was "real life" what would you do? You're not going to run and hide in the closet when you can run to the house down the street and call the police, right? No of course not cause in real life you're not that stupid, well for the most part you're not.

There you have it. A list of ways to survive a horror movie, these are not the only rules to live by in the horror world. They are the only ones I can come up with at 2:30 in the morning. Do you have ways that will help you survive and it wasn't mentioned on here? Then by golly go make a list of your own and tell me about it. I'm DYING to know what you all would do. You see what I just did? I said I was DYING, I just made a joke. Hahaha! I kill myself! ;)

Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

Help Me......

Someone, please help me. I've always told people that I need a therapist who enjoys a challenge cause we all know that I am one big bucket of crazy. For the past couple of weeks I have been having a problem with writer's block and I can't seem to get over it. I can't find interesting things to write about or I'm just too lazy to find the time to write out a movie review. The only thing I seem to be able to post about is when I do Music Mondays, I can't keep doing ONLY that. It gets old after awhile and I really don't want everyone to get sick of that segment cause I want that to become a huge thing that let's me promote bands. I have a lot of goals and dreams I want to happen with this horror blog and I need some help to accomplish it. My goal is to be one of the horror writers for either FEARnet or Bloody-Disgusting. Also there is a site called BUZZNET I would like to be a horror writer for. They have a few fashion and music promoter blogs but they don't have a horror writer.

I would like to change that. Horror is starting to become a HUGE thing, to the horror fans out there horror is already huge. Now you're starting to see it more in your everyday life and it's becoming a pop culture trend. I want to be able to blog and write about all things horror and help get the word out on this wonderful genre that we love so much. There are somethings I have to do in order to try to go after that goal. I am not a professional writer I know this but I have written enough over the years to not suck, I'm not the greatest writer and I do want to get better and more professional. I would like to spruce up my writing, my only problem is I am flippin' broke and I can't afford to take any Writing/English classes and I feel the only way I'm able to do that is to buy books on Writing and Proper English and Grammar.

Growing up I've struggled with trying to find a talent, I couldn't sing because I'm tone deaf which also meant I can't play any instruments. I like to dance but not enough to make a career out of it. Cooking? no thanks. Photography, I hated that subject in school. The only true talent I had and that fit my personality and stuck with me all these years was writing. I have A.D.H.D. so my mind is always running and I'm a huge daydreamer and a lover of fantasies. I have a talent that I'm able to take the stories I have playing in my head and put it on paper and have it actually make sense. I'm very opinionated(the nice kind) and I want to get my ideas out to the world. There is a scene in the movie "The King's Speech" that stuck with me even though I didn't really enjoy that movie.

[Sees Logue is sitting on the coronation throne]

King George VI: What are you doing? Get up! You can't sit there! GET UP!
Lionel Logue: Why not? It's a chair.
King George VI: No, that. It is not a chair. T-that... that is Saint Edward's chair.
Lionel Logue: People have carved their names on it.
King George VI: [Simultaneously] That... chair... is the seat on which every king and queen has... That is the Stone of Scone you ah-are trivializing everything. You trivialize...
Lionel Logue: [Simultaneously] It's held in place by a large rock. I don't care about how many royal arseholes have sat in this chair.
King George VI: Listen to me. *Listen to me!*
Lionel Logue: Listen to you? By what right?
King George VI: Because I have a right to be heard. I have a voice!

I have a voice and I want it to be heard. I know what I want in life and what I want as a career and I am not afraid to go after it. I don't want to waste my time, day after day wishing and hoping. I want it to happen, I don't want to be stuck in retail my entire life having the "what ifs" play in the back of my mind. This is something I know I will be good at and something I can accomplish, with some help.
I posted a status on my Facebook about this topic that I thought was worthy enough to share on here.

"I have goals in life, yes you might not agree with them and you probably won't think I'll accomplish them but please keep that to yourself. Why bring me down just because you have doubts? I know what I want in life and I'm not afraid to go after it. If I'm happy with what I'm doing and I'm not hurting anyone then why can't I have that? Even if I don't succeed at least I went out and tried instead of sitting at home thinking "what if?" " - Jenny Krueger's Facebook

If anyone has any ideas or ways that can help at all with anything that I have mentioned in this post I will greatly appreciate it. :)

Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

This Is Halloween!!

Man, I sure LOOOVE Halloween. It's the only time I can walk out of the house without getting a lot of strange looks from bystanders. :/ Haters be hating. Besides Christmas, Halloween is the only Holiday that I spend the most money on. I take this Holiday very seriously and I don't mess around. I always ask for the day off at work because I need the whole day to get ready. People tease me that when I request Halloween off I put it as a religious Holiday, hey whatever works. :D

I love the atmosphere the Holiday brings and I love the feeling you get when you walk into a Halloween costume store or a Haunted House. I feel so alive during this time and I never want it to end. I always have a hard time trying to figure out what I should be but this time I was early. I was going to be a Zombie then I was going to be Raphael from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, then I was going to be a Zombie Nurse. Buuuutt I finally made my decision of what I'm going to be and it's not going to change since I already have my costume for it. I am going to be LADY GAGA!! :D

Everyone knows I'm a die hard fan of Lady Gaga just read my letter that I wrote for her titled "Why I adore Lady GaGa." I'm excited for this Halloween cause my costume is going to be wicked. With this post being about Halloween I wanted to post a little about the background of the Holiday.


***Halloween (or Hallowe'en) is an annual holiday observed on October 31, which commonly includes activities such as trick-or-treating, attending costume parties, carving jack-o'-lanterns, bonfires, apple bobbing, visiting haunted attractions, playing pranks, telling scary stories, and watching horror films.


Historian Nicholas Rogers, exploring the origins of Halloween, notes that while "some folklorists have detected its origins in the Roman feast of Pomona, the goddess of fruits and seeds, or in the festival of the dead called Parentalia, it is more typically linked to the Celtic festival of Samhain, whose original spelling was Samuin (pronounced sow-an or sow-in)". The name of the festival historically kept by the Gaels and celts in the British Isles which is derived from Old Irish and means roughly "summer's end".


The word Halloween is first attested in the 16th century and represents a Scottish variant of the fuller All-Hallows-Even ("evening"), that is, the night before All Hallows Day. Although the phrase All Hallows is found in Old English (ealra hālgena mæssedæg, mass-day of all saints), All-Hallows-Even is itself not attested until 1556

Development of artifacts and symbols associated with Halloween formed over time. For instance, the carving of jack-o'-lanterns springs from the souling custom of carving turnips into lanterns as a way of remembering the souls held in purgatory. The turnip has traditionally been used in Ireland and Scotland at Halloween, but immigrants to North America used the native pumpkin, which are both readily available and much larger – making them easier to carve than turnips. The American tradition of carving pumpkins is recorded in 1837[8] and was originally associated with harvest time in general, not becoming specifically associated with Halloween until the mid-to-late 19th century.

The imagery of Halloween is derived from many sources, including national customs, works of Gothic and horror literature (such as the novels Frankenstein and Dracula), and classic horror films (such as Frankenstein and The Mummy). Among the earliest works on the subject of Halloween is from Scottish poet John Mayne in 1780, who made note of pranks at Halloween; "What fearfu' pranks ensue!", as well as the supernatural associated with the night, "Bogies" (ghosts), influencing Robert Burns' Halloween 1785. Elements of the autumn season, such as pumpkins, corn husks, and scarecrows, are also prevalent. Homes are often decorated with these types of symbols around Halloween.

Halloween imagery includes themes of death, evil, the occult, or mythical monsters. Black and orange are the holiday's traditional colors.

***Information from Wikipedia.com

Also every Monday I will be posting a spooky recipe that everyone can use at their Halloween parties. Today's Spooky recipe is Bleeding Heart Martini

"Keep up the fear factor with a Bleeding Heart martini, a drink with a pickled beet that "bleeds" from a would caused by a cocktail spear."


2 ounces dry vermouth
8 ounces premium gin
Ice cubes
4 Pickled Baby Beets, each placed on a cocktail skewer


1.Chill 4 martini glasses in the freezer or fill with ice water and let sit until frosty, about 5 minutes (pour out water). Add the vermouth, dividing evenly; swirl to coat the glasses, then pour out. Add gin to a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake vigorously until chilled; divide among chilled glasses. Garnish each with a skewered pickled baby beet, and serve immediately.

Feel free to check out my new Music Mondays listed below. :D

Music Mondays Ft: My Darkest Days "Move your Body"

I'm having bit of a writer's block lately and I can't think of anything to post about. :( With that being said, the only thing I'm able to post about and think of is Music Mondays. I know, you guys are probably getting sick of all my Music Mondays since I've been doing one right after another. I am very sorry to anyone that is annoyed by this but I can't help it, I'm trying to keep up with my posts and this is the only way I can until I get over this damn block. Today's Music Mondays is the band My Darkest Days. Now this is a band that's more my style! ;) How I came across this band is actually kinda funny. I work in a jewelry store and my manager asked me if I wanted to listen to her "theme song." I thought why the hell not?! We're slow and I'm bored. She pulls out her Iphone 4 and shows me the music video to her song which was "Porn star Dancing" by My Darkest Days. I was in awe watching that music video cause it was pretty damn sexy and the song, WOWZA!

I giggled at the fact that my manager said this was her theme song cause I thought Bitch please, this is MY theme song! After all I wanted to be a stripper when I was 7 years old. Bahahaha! Good times. As you all know, or should know cause I swear I've mentioned it ass loads of times on here. I have really, really bad O.C.D. and it triggers to things that I like. I.E. Movies, Actors, Bands, Songs etc. So when I heard this song I became obsessed with it and the band. I got home and did my usual stalking routine and found another music video from MDD which was "Move your Body." Screw "Porn star Dancing", THIS is my theme song. Even though I adore "Porn star Dancing" for all the obvious reasons, "Move Your Body" fits more with my personality which is why I have declared "Move your Body" the theme song of Jenny Krueger. The song and music video is dark, sexy and stylish. Just the way I like it!! :D

***My Darkest Days is a Canadian rock band based in Toronto, consisting of lead singer Matt Walst, lead guitarist Sal Costa, Bassist Brendan McMillan, Drummer Doug Oliver, and keyboardist Reid Henry. They were discovered by Chad Kroeger of Nickelback, who signed them up for his production company, 604 Records.

The band was founded by Matt Walst in 2005, who was born in Norwood, Ontario, and whose older brother, Brad Walst, is the bassist for Three Days Grace. Instead of playing in his brother's band, Matt decided to form one of his own with his friends Brendan McMillan on bass guitar, Doug Oliver on drums, and Chris McMillan on lead guitar. Chris McMillan was later replaced by Paulo Neta. In 2009, a friend introduced Walst to Toronto–based singer–guitarist Sal Costa, who later became the band's guitarist, replacing Paulo Neta, who became the guitarist for Thornley. My Darkest Days has opened for many bands, including Three Days Grace, Default, Theory of a Deadman, Skillet, Papa Roach, and Hinder.

My Darkest Days won a contest called Rock Search put on by 97.7fm in St. Catharines, Ontario in 2008 with "Every Lie". This gave them time in a recording studio publicity in Niagara, Ontario.

When Chad Kroeger heard My Darkest Days' music, he was so impressed he immediately signed them to his record label. The first song they wrote after being signed was "Porn Star Dancing," which became their first single. Kroeger decided he wanted to be featured on it, along with a friend of his, Zakk Wylde, lead vocalist and lead guitarist for Black Label Society and a former guitarist for Ozzy Osbourne. Kroeger and Wylde both appear in the video, which was filmed at the Hard Rock Las Vegas Vanity nightclub. There is also a remix of the single featuring American rapper Ludacris. On their official Facebook page, My Darkest Days announced their debut eponymous album was to be released on September 21, 2010. On that album, the song "Set It on Fire" features Australian singer/guitarist Orianthi on lead guitar, known from her work with Steve Vai, Carlos Santana, and Michael Jackson. Also on the album is a collaboration with country-pop singer Jessie James, on the song "Come Undone".

The Saw 3D soundtrack released on October 26, 2010 features the single "The World Belongs to Me."

My Darkest Days was named the “Best New Band of 2010” by hardDriveXL after hitting the #1 spot on Billboard's Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks ranking, as well as #1 on FMQB’s Active Rock list. It was announced on their Facebook page that they will be entering the studio in October 2011 with Joey Moi of Mountain View records to start writing new material for their next album. My Darkest Days’ first major–label single, “Porn Star Dancing,” went gold in Canada last month.

Band Members:

Matt Walst – lead vocals, rhythm guitar (2005–present)
Sal Costa – lead guitar, vocals (2009–present)
Brendan McMillan – bass guitar (2005–present)
Doug Oliver – drums, percussion (2005–present)
Reid Henry – Keyboard, vocals (2010–present)

***Information from Wikipedia.com