Kamis, 08 Juli 2010

The Review You've All Been Waiting For. (A Nightmare On Elm Street Remake Review):

A Nightmare on Elm Street hits theatres today and since I'm such a horror Scream Queen I went to the midnight showing. Right when we got there, there was already a huge line waiting to get in luckily I bought our tickets online so it wasn't sold out. A few people were even dressed up as Freddy Krueger and I wore my Freddy shirt (I forgot to bring my camera for pictures, sorry) What I liked about this movie was that they added a couple of things from the original and they had some lines from the other nightmare movies which was really cool. In a Nightmare On Elm Street all the kids start having the same dream about this man named Fred Krueger once they figure that out people start dropping like flies. They soon realize that they all had connection to each other before high school but none of their parents will admit to anything cause their trying to hide "something" from their kids.
This movie was ten times better then I thought it would be and I was very impressed with it. I loved it so much , it was seriously the best remake ever. I was so worried that they were going to ruin this movie and kill Freddy Krueger but they did a great job. Jackie Earle Haley wasn't as bad as I thought he would be and he did a pretty good job. He still doesn't hold a candle to Robert Englund but he came close and he didn't disappoint. The only problem I have with the new Freddy Krueger was the make up. He looked more like a Asian alien and he didn't really have that much emotion, when he would smile you couldn't really tell if he was or wasn't.

The remake was darker and more twisted then the original. In this movie the kids knew Freddy before he died when they were younger but in the original they didn't know him before they just found out what their parents did to him. In the remake they tell you more of what he did to the kids, in the first one all you know that he was a child murderer that's it but in the remake they go more into detail of what he did. They didn't really say what he did but you could read between the lines cause it was really obvious of what he did. Freddy was more evil and mean in this movie as to Robert Englund in the first one. Robert didn't really talk that much in the 1984 movie, in the sequels he becomes more cocky and a smart ass and Jackie Earle Haley's Freddy wasn't that at all and when I think about it his Freddy fit more with the remake then Robert's Freddy. Robert Englund is still the best Freddy ever made but Jackie did a good job.

I just like to say that there is going to be a sequel to this movie which is really exciting cause the movie was awesome. When I heard about that on FEARnet awhile ago I started thinking if they were going to do the sequel as a remake of the second Nightmare movie or if their going to do it like the Halloween sequel Rob Zombie did. I think their just going to do it like Rob did cause the second Nightmare movie wasn't good enough to be remade cause it was extremely cheesy and let's talk about the Gay innuendo. "He's inside of me!! Oh God, he's inside of me!!" Hahahaha. All in all this movie was kick ass and everyone should see it cause they did a great job in remaking this movie. I give this movie 5 out of 5 Skulls.

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