Rabu, 16 November 2011

Extra, Extra! Read All About It!!

I am happy to announce that your's truly has made a guest post on the wonderful Killer Aphrodite site!! Wahoo!! It's titled FEAR! Hopefully that title will reel you in. ;) If you want to check it out go here ---> MY POST!

Go read it and tell me what you think!!

Kamis, 10 November 2011

Ramblings Of Jenny Krueger Ft. The Human Centipede 2 Full Sequence

I finally watched the second installment of The Human Centipede trilogy, The Human Centipede 2: Full Sequence. Hopefully that will calm my obsession for the franchise. Doubt it. This movie was everything I expected the first one to be. I loved this movie and the first one. The 2ND movie gave me everything I wanted. When I watch a horror movie I want it to be so sick and twisted that it makes my heart beat really fast and I think to myself "What the hell am I watching?!" Not a lot of horror movies nowadays give you that feeling. I like movies that really mess with your mind and makes you obsessed and can't stop talking about it. That is exactly what this movie is. It shakes you to your inner core that you have to walk out and take a breather. Even though I enjoyed the HC2 I liked the first HC story line a lot more. All the gore and sick and twisted-ness should of been in the first movie.

I understand what Tom Six is doing, he's trying to build you up for the sickest movie of all time which will be The Human Centipede 3: Final Sequence. When the first Human Centipede movie came out it got so much crap for it and it made me mad. It's the whole "Don't judge a book by it's cover" thing. Did you know that The Human Centipede First Sequence was the most watched trailer on youtube?? That means something. It became such a huge cult horror favorite and a easy target for haters. What we have here is a wonderful, beautifully made movie that took horror to new heights, which was needed and it got punched in the face for it.

People need to stop being so uptight and pull the sticks out of their ass. Have a open mind, it's art. Get over it. Now we have The Human Centipede 2 which I feel is Tom Six saying F you to all the people who bashed the first movie. The movie delivers more gore, more violence, more sickness and more ass to mouth. Tom Six decides to give the movie an artistic feel by filming the movie in black and white. At first I was a little annoyed at that but after watching it I understand why he did it. I agree with the statement that Chuck Conry made, if it wasn't for it being black and white it probably would have gotten an X rating for the amount of gore.

The movie starts off with Martin, a mentally disturbed loner watching the first Human Centipede movie. That begins his obsession and fantasy of creating his very own human centipede. Martin lives with his crazy, psycho, suicidal mother in a dumpy apartment building in London. He works at night as a security guard in an old secluded parking garage. His mother calls Martin's doctor because she is very worried about him and we all can sense it. Martin's Doctor explains his obsession of the centipede as a result of his trauma from the sexual abuse caused by his father. Over the next few days Martin kidnaps people that come through his parking garage to to fulfill his fantasy. He calls up Miss Yennie's agent pretending there was a audition for a Quentin Tarantino movie that they want her for.

Now, the day has come. Martin has everyone tied up to complete his mission of his very own human centipede. This brings us to the goriest part of the movie. I was looking forward to this part and I am proud to say that I wasn't disappointed. Tom Six did a great job at the gore factor, I just wish he would of had that much gore in the first movie, that would of made the movie even better.

Onto Ramblings Of Jenny Krueger!!!

1: Why do people always have to make fun of someone being short? Haven't they learned anything from the Leprechaun movies? You make fun of someone being short they'll kill you.

2: What got annoying was they had weird scene changes. A scene would go black then switch to a new scene and it would make you feel like they were cutting things out.

3: I'm sorry but I don't think Ashylnn Yennie is a great actress. I watched her audition for the first Human Centipede and I didn't think she did a great job in that or the movie. I know Tom Six think she's a wonderful actress but nope, I don't.

4: I always wondered why Tom decided to bring back Ashylnn Yennie for the second movie but not Ashley C. Williams. She was a much better actress.

5: What I learned from this movie is, you make Martin mad he'll shoot you in the head.

6: Best horror movie of 2011!

I was so pleased with this movie and I think Tom Six did an amazing job. You don't see movies like this nowadays and I am very proud to be a supporter of this movie. Well done Tom Six, well done.

Selasa, 08 November 2011

Remember Kiddies.........

Don't talk to strangers, don't eat their candy, don't get into their car. Always wash your hands after you go to the bathroom, remember to brush your teeth at least twice a day. Help a zombie in need, don't be a stick in the mud, have an open mind. Also remember that Memoirs Of A Scream Queen is on Facebook and Twitter!! :D

Jenny Krueger's Twitter!

Memoirs Of A Scream Queen's Facebook!

Senin, 07 November 2011

Guest Post Pt 2: Dylan Duarte's Review, The Dead (2010)

My days of blindly watching a zombie film are pretty much over. As a lover of the flesh-eating undead, I'm sick and tired of all the zombie movies that have been saturating the market. What's that, you say? Shouldn't I love being buried in a cinematic pile of rotting flesh? You're right, I should love it. But I don't, because they're not good films. I love the accessibility of filmmaking these days. The advancement of technology and the advent of the internet allows talented people to follow their passion without having to wade through studio bullshit. However, it also allows any jackass with a camcorder and a gore fetish to whip together some bastardization of a Romero flick and shove it down everyone's throats. This saturation is diluting the undead. Absence makes the heart grown fonder. Overabundance makes the heart grow whatever the opposite of fond is.

Alright, my tirade is over. I wanted to thoroughly explain the attitude I brought into The Dead, so that when I say it's a good zombie flick, you know exactly where I'm coming from. The Dead does just about everything right and it's few flaws - some cheap looking sets and questionable acting - can be attributed to a lack of a bigger budget, something it's hard to fault the filmmakers for.

The major difference between The Dead and countless films like it is the setting. Instead of shoulder-to-shoulder zombies crowding the streets of major cities, the film takes the undead epidemic to Africa, something we've never quite seen before - at least, not to my recollection. The change is more or less purely aesthetic, but it sure does look beautiful. And our heroes trying to survive a trek across the scorching deserts of Africa amidst the walking dead is certainly an interesting dynamic.

A common thread among zombie films is the idea that the undead are a secondary threat, acting more as a catalyst for something else. Man is often portrayed as the primary threat, his quest for survival revealing his true barbaric nature. And yet here, in a country known for its violence and chaos, humankind has united against a common enemy. It's certainly powerful, but lacks any sort of coherent commentary. It feels like there's an idea under the surface wanting to get out, but then again, I could just be imagining that because Africa is such a political hotspot. Even without an underlying message, The Dead works well as a straightforward horror film in the truest sense. Whereas Romero's films often contained some sort of ironic (and incredibly dark) humor, The Dead is as a serious as a walking corpse and that makes it truly terrifying. Still, not taking advantage of the political landscape seems like wasted potential.

Guest author Dylan Duarte has a love/hate relationship with the undead. When he's not complaining to the internet, he’s writing about Halloween costumes. He can be reached at dylnduarte@gmail.com

Minggu, 06 November 2011

Oozing Thoughts Of A A.D.H.D./ O.C.D. Mind Pt 5!

1: I have decided to dye my hair back to Blonde. That's the 1st sign of the Apocalypse, now we're all gonna die!

2: The holidays are coming up and I have mixed feelings about that. Even though I love the holiday season, I'm trying to get out of debt not drown myself in it.

3: The guys on the online dating sites are mean. I have no idea why I keep going back to it when there is nothing but douche bags on there. :(

4: I'm starting my own business with Slumber Parties. If you don't know what that is then go here ----> Slumber Parties ;)

5: I started the HCG diet, hopefully that works or I'm doomed to be fat. :/

6: I really, really can't stand the sound of screaming children. I work in a jewelery store that's in a huge grocery store so I hear it every day. What irritates me the most is when the parents won't do a damn thing about it. Shut your kid up or I'm going to do it for you.

7: Because of #6 I'm not interested in having kids. They bug the shit out of me too much and I think I might eat them.

8: In my work we have to greet customers within ten seconds of them walking into our store. It's rude when I say "hi, how are you doing?" And their response is "We're just looking!" Okay, that's not what I asked. I was just saying hi.

9: Even though I'm not a fan of remakes, I'm looking forward to the remake of Stephen King's IT. Hopefully they don't ruin it by having a different actor play Pennywise. They already did that with Freddy Krueger in the remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street and look how well that turned out.

10: I have mentioned before that come June of 2012 I will be moving to California to pursue my career as a horror writer, hopefully with FEARnet or Bloody-Disgusting. With that being said, I have to start saving my money and man, I sure do need a lot. Because of that I'm going to put up a little donation box titled either "Jenny Krueger's quest to become a horror writer" or "Help Jenny Krueger move to California." (Which ever sounds better) If anyone would like to make a donation to my fund (you don't have too, please don't feel like you're obligated) I would greatly, greatly appreciate it and love you forever and ever. :D

11: I'm trying to decide whether I should try to work with FEARnet or Bloody-Disgusting. For the longest time I only wanted to work with FEARnet but now I'm thinking different. I'll work for either one of these companies as long as they can give me the opportunity that I want.

12: I'm going to write Tom Six a letter telling him how much I enjoyed his movies and that he was a genius to come up with The Human Centipede. I'll send it to him once I'm in California, that way I'll have a better chance at meeting him. I hope.

Jumat, 04 November 2011

Happy Halloween!! (Late Halloween Post)

I'm sorry my Halloween post is so late, I got caught up with so many things. Better late then never I guess. Happy Halloween from Jenny Krueger!!

With Halloween, people start to stock up on their share of horror movies. T.v. channels have marathons of horror movies all the time and all day Halloween. For me I have a few traditions that involve holidays and movies. For my birthday I watch Children of the Corn, Valentines Day is My Bloody Valentine 3D. March, all of the Leprechaun movies except for the stupid "hood" ones. For Christmas I watch the Christmas episode of Supernatural, I'm also going to get Santa's Slay and Silent Night- Deadly Night.

For Halloween I have a wonderful collection of movies I watch, it is also the only time that I watch the most movies in one day. Even though I watch these movies all the time, I make sure to watch them on Halloween since they get me in the holiday spirit the most. I have decided to open up my Halloween Vault and show you which movies were lucky enough to make it in there.

Introducing Jenny Krueger's Halloween Movie Vault!! (in no particular order)

1. Carrie: Nothing says Halloween like Stephen King. "They're all gonna laugh at you!"

2. Return of the Living Dead: Favorite movie monster period.

3. Return to House on Haunted Hill: They had a dead nurse in that movie which inspired one of my Halloween costumes. Also, I'm a sucker for a zombie nurse.

4. Pumpkin head 2 Blood Wings: One of my favorite horror villains and this one is perfect. Pumpkin head and you carve pumpkins for Halloween. Yeah, genius! ;)

For 2011 I decided to add a new movie to my vault and I will be watching it every Halloween. The new movie is!!.. dun, dun, DUUUUUUNNNN!! The Human Centipede!! I know! I'm obsessed but come on, this movie is bad ass so of course it's going into the vault. These movies make me happy and definitely make Halloween more special. Now, tell me what your Halloween movie traditions are. Maybe I can get some new ideas for movies. I had such a wonderful Halloween and wish it wasn't over. For me and most of you, Halloween doesn't end when the clock strikes 12:00, it last year around. I always tell people I live and breath Halloween 24/7 365 days. This year I was Lady GaGa and at the end of the night I was a zombie. (go figure) Pictures below.
I hope everyone had a great Halloween and I wish you all the best for the Christmas season and New Year.

(Lady GaGa!!)


(I was trying to "eat" my BFF)

P.s. My blog has been nominated for the Horror Blog Award at TheMovie411 site. Please, please, PLEASE! vote for my blog. I really want to win this award! :D

TheMovie411 Blog Awards