Kamis, 08 Juli 2010

Movie Review (Halloween, 1978):

I was thinking to myself (that happens a lot) the other day of how I thought it was funny that I saw Rob Zombie's remake of Halloween before I saw the original. Well I finally saw it and I hate to say that I was disappointed in the movie. Yes, I know that this movie came out in 1978 but there were a lot of horror movies that came out in the 70's that were actually good. i.e. The Omen, The Exorcist, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The beginning was weird and could be done better. Little Micheal Myers standing on the sidewalk in a clown suit with a dazed look on his face holding a knife. Oh yeah nothing's weird about that, I stand on the sidewalk with a dazed look on my face holding a knife all the time, nobody comes to see what's up with me cause their use to it. The movie follows out with Laurie Strode being stalked by grown up Micheal.
Laurie decides to babysit on Halloween night instead of going out with her friends to party. IDIOT!! If it was me I'd hang out with my friends cause babysitting on Halloween night is basically signing you're death certificate. Funny enough this movie was originally titled The Babysitters Murders haha! The movie continues with Laurie running around the house screaming trying to get away from Micheal while delivering really bad acting skills. I didn't believe it one bit, I didn't believe she was actually scared for her life, well she was I just didn't feel scared for her like I usually do in horror movies. That's what happens when you have actors and actresses who can't act. What made me mad about this movie is when Laurie and Micheal were fighting she pulled off Micheal's mask and it revealed his face which is a HUGE NO NO!!! You never under any circumstances take off the mask of the villain.

If that happens the movie might as well be over right there cause that just ruins the whole entire movie. I can't believe they did that, the villain isn't scary anymore when his mask is off that's why they wear one in the first place. When the killer is wearing a mask and runs around with a knife every one's scared cause they have no idea who it is and of course their going to be scared of a person wearing a mask running around with knife, only crazy people who like to kill do that, duh. This movie was very boring and hard to get into, I give it props for giving birth to one of the most iconic horror villains and cult classic favorites but the remake was WAY better. I even thought the sequels were better then the first movie but hey that's just me.

I give this movie 3 out of 5 Skulls.

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