Senin, 05 Juli 2010

Movie Review (Return Of The Living Dead 3):

As you may know I LOVE zombies. Zombies clothes, zombie jewelry, zombie pictures, and especially zombie movies. So you know I'm totally into the Night Of The Living Dead movies. I love the older classic zombie movies from the 80's but my favorite zombie movie from the 90's has to be Return Of The Living Dead 3. The movie revolves around two young kids Curt Reynolds and Julie Walker who are madly in love with each other. Sad thing is Curt's dad Col. John Reynolds doesn't approve of his relationship with Julie and wants him to end it. After Curt's mother passed away he didn't really get along with his did (big shocker!) that usually happens when a kid loses one of their parents and their relationship with the other one goes to Hell. Col. John Reynolds has a talk with Curt and lets him know that they'll be moving soon to a different state and he should be use to this by now since his dad works in the military and that's what you have to do is move to different bases.

Of course Curt was pissed, why would you want to move to a different state when you finally made a lot of friends in the one that you're in right now and when you have a bangin hott girlfriend that you don't want to leave. They decide to run away on Curt's motorcycle since they don't want to be separated. While driving to whatever destination they end up too Julie starts kissing his neck and rubbing him you know where :D and that distracts him and they end up almost getting run over by a big ass truck but instead Curt serves which knocks Julie totally off the motorcycle and hits a tree and Curt tumbles over with the motorcycle. He gets up and runs to Julie screaming frantically, shaking her to wake her up but that doesn't work cause she's not asleep she's dead! Do you really think if you get knocked off a motorcycle and you hit a tree really hard your actually going to survive?! Way to have a positive attitude!
He puts Julie back on his motorcycle and heads to his dad military base where his dad and his co workers have done a lot of re-animating the dead for military use but Curt is unaware of the little mishap they had with the dead body, all he saw was they brought the body back to life that's it. Curt hooks Julie up to the machine and brings her back to life and she doesn't remember the accident. The movie continues with Curt and Julie trying to find someone to help her situation cause after all she is a zombie and she's going to do what zombies do best. Eat human flesh to survive. In the movie Julie is basically what I like to call a cutter zombie, you know how a lot of people who cut themselves they do it to relieve stress or mental pain. In Julie's case she cuts herself and puts nails and sharp objects through her skin to relieve the feeling of being hungry cause she doesn't want to eat human flesh.Col. John Reynolds military friends find out what happened with Julie and how it's spreading cause cutting herself doesn't relieve the feeling of being hungry forever and she ends up eating people. They capture Julie and everyone else that's been infected with the zombie virus and brings them to the military base to run some more "test" Haven't they learned their lesson the first time they ran some tests? Apparently not cause their pig headed and they think they know everything, well they don't and that's how they got everyone in this mess in the first place. Somehow all the zombies get loose in the base and start running mayhem and Curt gets bitten by one. Col. John Reynolds urges Curt to leave Julie there and come with him since their doing an emergency lock down so they can set the place on fire to destroy the zombies. Curt decides to stay with Julie cause he knew once you get bitten by a zombie it's just a matter of time before you become one and there's no cure to save you. You most likely know how the movie ends at this point :)
What I like about this movie is it's basically my theory on how the Zombie Apocalypse will happen. Some macho Army dude possibly the president will think they know how to bring the dead back to life and they screw everything up and BA BAM! The Zombie Apocalypse is among us. Why do people think they can fix the world when they know nothing on the subject? If it's not broken don't fix it, If you don't know how to fix it then don't even try to cause you're just going to mess everything up. People need to learn that what's dead should stay dead and in this situation sometimes dead is better. Yeah I know I took those quotes from movies, don't judge me :D

I give this movie 5 out of 5 Skulls.

"Julie, are you eating him? You should stop it."- Curt

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