Senin, 05 Juli 2010

Movie Review(A Nightmare On Elm Street,1984):

A Nightmare On Elm Street is my favorite horror movie and Freddy Krueger is my favorite horror villain. I'm surprised I haven't made a review for this movie cause I live for all the Freddy movies. I'm pretty sure everyone knows how the movie is and what the concept is about but oh well you get to sit through it again. :D A Nightmare On Elm Street is about a group of friends all living on Elm Street in Spring wood Ohio. Tina (Amanda Wyss) and Nancy (Heather Langenkamp) and Glen (Johnny Depp) are walking to school and Tina starts talking about the dream she had and how it felt so real and it scared her. She describes the dream and Nancy realizes that their both having the same dream but she shrugs it off cause their just dreams and they don't mean anything.Tina's mom goes out of town for the weekend so she has Nancy, Glen, and her boyfriend Rod (Jsu Garcia) spend the night at her house since she doesn't want to be by herself cause her nightmare made her scared to be alone. Later on in the night while everyone is sleeping Tina and Rod decide to do the nasty. Come on haven't you people learned you're lesson already? If your going to be in a slasher movie then don't have sex cause that's like having a neon sign on you're door saying "Come kill me! I'm ready!" You have sex in a slasher movie you die so maybe everyone should stop doing the deed then you'll survive. Wow! a loop hole, I found the way to stay alive! Too bad everyone nowadays are bunch of horn dogs and they can't help themselves since they have "needs" and they know their still going to die whether they have sex or not so they might as well get some before they die.
Tina finally falls asleep and she starts having her dream again but this time she gets a better look at who's trying to kill her. She freaks (duh) and runs towards the door cause she's suddenly outside. Well that didn't work cause she tripped and fell. Why do they always do that? I swear they start running but they end up tripping or running into the wall and the killer gets them. Typical! Freddy grabs her and tries to "claw" her while Tina is trying to fight him off but she's not strong enough and he slashes her chest open. While this is happening she's freaking out in her sleep which wakes up Rod and she floats up to the ceiling she falls onto the bed once Freddy kills her. Nancy and Glen hear screams coming from Tina's room and run to see what's going on to see Tina all cut up and bloody on her bed and Rod covered in Tina's blood. The police get called and they arrest Rod since he was the only one in the room at the time of Tina's death and he was covered in her blood. Stupid cops! Don't you know that there's a killer that stalks you're dreams and when you die in you're dream you die in real life?! Guess not.
Nancy starts having more dreams about Freddy which makes her not want to fall asleep. She tries talking to her mom about it but she just ignores it and says their just dreams nothing more. Well she's clearly hiding something and Nancy gets to the bottom of it and her mom finally spill the beans and tells her that there was this man named Fred Krueger who was a child murderer and he was arrested but let out cause the judge couldn't find the arrest warrant something like that so they had to release him. Well that pissed off the parents of Spring wood so they decided to take matters into their own hands and tracked him down and they found him in his boiler room where he hangs out at. Hey Children Of The Corn had the cornfield, Freddy has his boiler room. Don't judge. The parents burned him alive and after he died he becomes Freddy Krueger and he gets revenge on the kids of parents of Spring wood who wronged him.

The movie continues with Nancy trying to defeat Freddy and you get to see a awesome death scene of Johnny Depp. That has to be the best death scene ever, blood galore! She pulls Freddy out of her dream and they battle it out then Nancy finally "kills" Freddy and she wakes up to a beautiful day and she and her friends head off to school. You think it's over right? Well it's not cause there's 5 sequels including Wes Craven's New Nightmare. Freddy grabs Nancy's mom and pulls her through the door while Glen's car drives off by itself with everyone inside screaming. I wish I had a car that drove itself, that would be so awesome. Reach for the stars.

I give this movie 5 out of 5 Skulls

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