Rabu, 14 Juli 2010

Sparkle This Bitch! (Daybreakers Review):

Me and my sister went to see the movie Daybreakers, and I have to say that this movie is by far the BEST vampire movie of all time. Eat that Twilight! After Twilight came out it ruined vampires for me. It took one of the greatest horror monsters ever created and turned it into a wussy little emo boy(s) who sparkle in the sunlight.

Give me a break, I've liked vampires way before Twilight ever came out and way before liking vampires was cool, but after that I was ashamed to admit that I like vampires cause of it. Daybreakers was ten times better then I thought it would be and it's about vampires how they should be. I'll tell you a little bit about the movie so I dont ruin it cause I really think everyone should go see it, it's just that good. The movie is based in the year 2019 where a virus hit America and turned everyone into vampires and there's hardly any humans left.

The only way they can survive is of course drinking human blood, but how can they when there's hardly any humans left you ask?! Well a blood doctor who is played by Ethan Hawke and who is the main guy and vampire tries to come up with a subsitute for human blood. I know I've peaked your curiousity so go see it cause this is how REAL vampires are and how they were meant to be, not sparkling in the sunlight and falling for the clumsy albino girl.

I give this movie 5 out of 5 Skulls. It was pretty damn awesome.

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