Selasa, 27 November 2012

Hey Girl. Are you choking??

About two days ago, I was playing around on the Internet. I came across an ad for 'Super Sexy CPR.' I thought, hmmm. I wouldn't mind learning sexy CPR. :D I clicked on the link and saw that it was an advertisement for Fortnight Lingerie.

I seriously busted out laughing when I saw these videos. What a great way to show off your Lingerie collection while educating people on the importance of learning CPR. All in a SEXY way.

Senin, 26 November 2012

To Whom It May Concern....

"I know it's been a long time since we've talked. I just wanted to let you know about a few things. Yes, we dated for about 4 months but we weren't boyfriend and girlfriend. Why? It's because you didn't want to be boyfriend and girlfriend and announce it on facebook because that meant all the girls you were fucking behind my back would find out what a two timing cheat you are. So we were never really boyfriend and girlfriend just "casually" dating, and you knew that. But the problem was you thought you had me wrapped around your little finger. What's funny is that I knew everything you said to me was bullshit lies, just trying to impress me to get into my pants but that never happened.

I noticed all the red flags and warning signs and all your lies. The reason why I chose to ignore it was because I didn't think I could do any better then you. Being away from you for almost 2 years now I've realized that I can do so much better then you. I can find a guy who will treat me the way I'm suppose to be treated. He will pick me up in HIS car and take me out for a proper date where HE pays for the dinner and movie and doesn't expect me to pay for him which is what you did. When I meet that right guy who's going to treat me amazing he's not going to be some jobless drug addict.

You're probably wondering why I wanted to be with you when you were so horrible. It's because you were one of the very few guys that gave me the type of attention that I wanted. You made me feel beautiful and loved. That all came crashing down when I realized what you have been doing all this time was lying to me about everything. I don't mean the most to you like you said. You were out fucking other girls behind my back even when you said you weren't. You told me that we were in a relationship but if other people asked, you would say no.

When we were "casually" dating, I did all the work. I drove to Ogden to pick you up, I paid for everything that we did. I gave you $20 for you to buy Pot. Something you need to know about me is that I am truly a very generous person. I have no problem helping out a friend, going to McDonalds and picking up the tab. What I do have a problem is when it happens all the time. I always pick up the bill and I have a problem with when you demand that I pay for your food or buy you food. Did you ever once offered to pay me back for all the money I've spent on you, including gas money? No, you didn't cause that's not the type of person you are. You take and take and take but you never give.

I've known you for 4 years and you were a big part of my life. I referred to you as my first love but you want to know something? I never loved you, I was never in love with you. I was just in love with the feeling of being in love and being in a relationship even though it was a fake relationship cause we were never boyfriend and girlfriend. I also want to remind you that I still know that you stole my money out of my debit card. You can deny it all you want, I know it's the truth. I have statements from my Credit Union that proves, you stole money out of my card.

You wanna know how I figured out that you stole my money? Well, I'm going to tell you. I got online to check my checking account and see how much money I had. I noticed that I had an ATM withdrawal from Ogden for $62.00. I shook it off cause I didn't know what It meant. But the day after my birthday Feb. 19th 2011, I brought up how I noticed that ATM withdrawal. You hurried and chimed in saying the same thing happened to your sister who just so happens to have the same Credit Union I have. You said she went to the same Convenient store that we did and she bought a bag of chips and a Arizona Tea and the machine over charged her card. When you were telling me this I could tell by the tone in your voice and way you were acting that you were lying straight to my face. I was also told by several people that you didn't have a sister.

Here's another reason why I know you stole my money. I looked at my bank statements and it showed 3 ATM withdrawals from the same store that we went to. You claim they over charged my card when you bought cigarettes and a coke but that's not true. If the machine really did over charge my card then the statement would of said *Point Of Sale* with the amount being more then what you originally paid for at the store. But it didn't say that. Each time it said ATM Withdrawal with 3 different amounts totaling to about $164.00. Here's the cherry on top of the delicious sundae of all your lies, you said the owners of the store would always give you a free Coke because they've known you since you were little. The only catch was you had to be alone in order to get that free Coke.

So I being stupid and naive at the time gave you my debit card and pin number so you can buy some smokes and a snack. Instead of using my card for what you said you were going to do, you used it to get more money then what I said you could get out of my card from the ATM and that's how you paid for your smokes, snacks and "free" Cokes. I also know that if you really didn't take money out of my debit card then you would of had no problem with me coming into the store with you. But you made up a lie to make it so I couldn't go in with you so you could be able to use my card at the ATM.

I want you to know that you didn't ruin my life. In fact you shaped me into a better person. Now I'm not a door mat and I'm not going to let some loser guy swoon me with his "awesome" lies. I am a completely better person then when I was with you and my life is so much better. I'm not the same girl I was when I was with you, I've changed for the better. You were just a stupid mistake in my life that made me realize what type of person I am. I am now a strong, confident and independent woman who doesn't need a man to make her feel worthy cause you sure as hell didn't make me feel worthy.

I also know that you trash talked me to all your loser friends. You think you're the only one who has friends on the Internet? Well, you're not. I've had several people tell me the things that you have been saying about me and how you treat girls. Do you know some of the things a lot of the people on the Internet have said about YOU? Nobody likes you and they all can't stand you. When I was with you I've noticed times when you would insult a guy and act like you were better then him. You're not better then anyone. No one is better then anyone. When I was with you, you had no car, no cell phone, no job, no motivation and dressed like you were White Trash. But you thought you had the right to trash other guys on their appearances??? You are not that hot to be as arrogant as you were.

I just want you to know that I was the best YOU are ever going to get and you know that. I hope your new little fiancé knows what type of person you are and how she can't trust you. You're probably out fucking some girl behind her back and stealing her money. I treated you like a king and you treated me like crap. I'm so glad we never had sex cause I would of most likely caught an STD from you. You don't look at a girl as a woman. You look at them as an ATM machine and a easy good time. You don't want a true relationship, all you care about is the wham bam thank you mam one night stand.

I was shocked when I was told you were getting married. I thought to myself who would be that stupid and desperate to marry you. Don't worry, in time she's going to figure out what type of person you are and she's going to dump your ass. Just like all the other girls who wanted more then cheap thrills. You demand so much in a relationship but you never give. I remember you telling me that if we were going to be in a relationship then you expect me to give 100% I gave 100% in fact I gave 200% because I did all the work and you didn't even give 1% You can't demand a girl to give 100% when you wouldn't even give 1%, you jackass.

There are 2 songs that I want you to look up. Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri and Burn by Papa Roach. When I heard those songs I was instantly reminded of our little fake relationship and that's exactly how you treated me and other girls. One of these days, might be tomorrow, might be in a month or a year but it's going to happen. Karma is going to come and bite you so hard in the ass. And I can't wait to be able to watch you burn while eating popcorn. You may think that your life is so much better now and nothing can go wrong but just remember what comes around goes around and you're going to get exactly what you deserve. I just hope I'm lucky enough to see it happen.

You don't have to reply to this if you don't want to, I really don't care. Just know that you didn't get the best of me and you didn't scar me. You didn't win in this situation, you lost. You lost the best girl you ever had but you were too stupid to realize what you had until it was gone. I won't be surprised if you haven't realized the damaged you have caused and the amazing girl you lost in the process cause you're just that closed off from the world and you think you're always right and you're the victim. You can't be the victim when you're the one doing the victimizing. Goodbye. I really do hope that you're happy and you feel that you found the "one". I just hope you treat her a lot better then how you treated me or you're never going to be in a relationship for very long.

Better treat her right or she's going to do what I did and all the other girls did, She'll leave you. You already lost a lot of friends because you were a dirt bag friend to everyone. So, you better make sure that she's happy and she feels loved or she's going to leave and you're going to be left all alone with no one to blame but yourself. Just remember me and how good of a person I was to you. I could of made you happy but you didn't make me happy so I left. It's a two way street, you have to give happiness in order to receive it along with respect. One of these days you're going to see me married to a wonderful guy with a family and you're going to see just how happy I am and how wonderful my life is. But you're never going to have that cause you're not willing to give 100% in your relationships, you just want the girl to do all the work.

I hope you're happy and I really do hope your soon to be marriage last cause everyone deserves to be happy regardless of the person they are."

Advice: Should I send this to him or just let it go?

This Is Halloween!! (2012)

Hello my little Demons! I am SO sorry this post is super late. I've been in a really bad writers block funk. (I know I've said that before.) Along with the funk, I recently had surgery on both of my feet two weeks ago. I'm doing alright now, I don't need pain pills anymore.

I still can't walk on my feet and I have to be pushed in a wheelchair when I go places. I had my sitches taken out today so I'm starting to slowly heal. A post about my surgery will be later on. I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween and you're getting your new costume ready for next year. ;)

Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012

Jenny Krueger's Top 5 Favorite Horror Movies!

I've been really lazy lately and my blog has been falling into non existence. This happens all the time. I don't know why, I just get this weird writer's block that I can't shake off. I decided to come back with a post about my favorite horror movies.

I posted on Facebook that I was watching my favorite horror movie and if you could guess what it was then we are best friends. Everyone had different answers and only one of them (my sister) got it right. That's when I knew I should do a post about my favorites because they have changed.

Here you are. Jenny Krueger's Top 5 Favorite Horror Movies!!

5. IT:

When I was younger this movie scared the living poop out of me. Pennywise, the music, everything. It scared me so much that it made me cry. Now that I'm older and a die hard horror fan. I can see the genius in this movie and how wonderful it is.

It takes a thing that a lot of people have a fear of (Clowns) and brings that fear to life. Stephen King is a pure genius and he knows what true terror is. They don't call him the Master of Horror for nothing.

4. P2:

This movie is VERY underrated and didn't get the attention that it deserved. Me and my sister saw this in the theaters when it came out. I was amazed by the whole movie. I loved the concept of it. Almost everyone goes through parking garages sometime in their life and they don't think twice about the dangers. Until now.

It was well written and the acting was perfect. Wes Bentley did an amazing job as the crazy psycho stalker, Tom. The way he was able to portray a character with two dominating sides to him is astonishing. This is the type of movie you can watch over and over again and it never get's old.

3. A Nightmare on Elm Street:

Most of you know that I am a hardcore Freddy Krueger fan. Just look at my last name. ;) A lot of people would be shocked that this movie isn't my number 1 favorite horror movie since Freddy is my favorite horror villain and Freddy vs. Jason was the movie that made me a true horror fan.

I love to sleep and I love to dream. I always say I'm a Dreamer and the Queen of daydreaming. To see a movie that takes something that you love and puts an evil twist on it is mind boggling. Knowing that if you die in your dreams then you die in real life with haunt you forever. Just knowing your not safe in something you always thought was in your favor, it'll change you.

2. Dahmer:

Oh yes, how I LOVE this movie. Jeffery Dahmer has always been my favorite serial killer to learn about. So when I found out there was a movie about him on Netflix, I jump at the opportunity. I love how they showed the audience a softer side of him. They were able to shine a different life on this person we've known to be a monster.

This movie showed us that, yes he was this evil killer but he's still a person. He's somebody's son and he has feelings. Everything about this movie is delightful. I get butterflies in my tummy every time I watch it. P.s. My love, Jeremy Renner plays Jeffery Dahmer in the movie. SCORE!! ;)

1. Children of the Corn:

I am a sucker for demonic children and this movie gave me that plus more. I remember watching this on T.v. for the first time and I fell in love. Why wouldn't you love a movie about demonic children chilling in the cornfield, sacrificing their parents to He Who Walks Behind The Rows???

This movie is so much fun and it has a lot of awesome one liners. I can't help but smile when I watch this movie. There's no surprise that I watch on my birthday. :D

Rabu, 26 September 2012


The past couple of nights I have been plagued with nightmares. You must know, I hardly ever, EVER get nightmares but when I do, they're bad. Sometimes I would tell my dad about the dream that I had, he would instantly call that a nightmare. I'm sorry, but no it's not. There is a huge difference between my dreams and my nightmares.

When I'm having a normal dream, I feel nothing. It doesn't wake me up, make it so I can't get back to sleep. Nothing. When I'm having a nightmare, I have anxiety in my dreams, it feels real, I feel stressed out and it ends up making me jerk myself awake. Then I can't get back to sleep because the anxiety attack in my dreams was real.

When I got Resident Evil 4 for the first time on Wii, I would play it for 6 hours straight, non stop. It got to the point that my eyes started glazing over and I had dreams that I was in the video game. My dad said that was a nightmare. I tried and tried to explain to him that it was NOT a nightmare. I didn't feel stressed out or have a anxiety attack.

He just considers that a nightmare because I had a dream that I was in the game. That brings me to an interesting point, which I've known for quite some time. The things you revolve yourself around will eventually take it's toll on you and mess with your Psychosis and you end up having dreams about it.

I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder so anything I obsess about will end up in my dreams, it happens all the time. My mom wanted to do a little challenge. She thinks my nightmares are being brought on by all of the horror movies I watch. I disagree. We made a deal that I wouldn't watch any horror movie for awhile so we can see if my nightmares stop or continue.

My nightmares haven't stopped but they come and go. I really don't think they're being brought on from the movies I watch or I would be getting them all the time. I told my mom I have been having nightmares lately and the first thing she asked was if I have been watching any horror movies, which I haven't. When I get nightmares they're always about the same thing. Chucky. Yes, I'm almost 25 and I still get nightmares about Chucky.

I had one about him last night and my other nightmare I had was about Leatherface, which is really weird. When I get nightmares they're never about horror villains like Leatherface, just Chucky. In that nightmare, I was in the woods with a bunch of people and some kid runs up yelling "Run! Run! He's coming, he's coming!" We all start running to who knows where and I begin to not run so fast and I'm thinking oh no, he's going to get me. And in my nightmare while I was running I kept thinking to myself, I'm going to hear the sound of the chainsaw soon.

Knowing I was going to hear that sound peaked my anxiety. Luckily, It never went of in my mind. Suddenly it switches to me hiding in an old run down cabin. People are screaming in the background and I kept repeating to myself "You're going to wake up soon, it's only a preview." After that I jerked myself awake and I couldn't get back to sleep until a few hours later.

We all have nightmares, some may seem silly to others but it leaves a huge impact on you. It all comes back to our Psychosis which makes our nightmares more scary to us then to other people.

Rabu, 12 September 2012

Movie Review: Gremlins

Gremlins was one of my favorite movies to watch growing up. It's pure 80's awesomeness. Randall wants to find his son, Billy the perfect Christmas present. While walking around the city, he's approached by a little Chinese boy telling him about his Grandfather's shop and how he can find a lot of unique items there.

He takes a look around the shop and notices a noise coming from a old looking box in the corner. He opens it up to find a small furbie like creature in there known as a Mogwai named Gizmo. The Grandfather doesn't want to sell him because with Mogwai comes great responsibility. The Chinese boy sells Randall the Mogwai without his Grandfather knowing since they really need the money.

He explains to him that there are three rules you must follow when owning a Mogwai. And no matter what happens, you CANNOT break these rules.

Rule # 1: Keep him away from bright light. Sunlight alone can kill him.

Rule # 2: Do not get him wet. Don't even give him a bath.

Rule # 3: The most important rule of all. No matter how much they beg and whine, do not feed them after Midnight.

Of course with this type of movie you know exactly what's going to happen. Billy not only breaks the rules but he breaks the two most important rules of all. 2 and 3. Billy accidentally gets Gizmo wet which causes him to multiply. After he has about five new Mogwais he feeds them after Midnight, he didn't realize that his clock was broken until it was too late.

Feeding them after Midnight caused them to change into Gremlins. Now Billy and his family along with Gizmo must find a way to stop the Gremlins before they wreck havoc on the town and ruin Christmas.

This is one of my personal favorites from my childhood. I am a huge fan of 80's horror movies and this one fits right up there. It's cheesy, it's a lot of laughs and the music is awesome. This is definitely a movie everyone should watch at least once in their lifetime. I really wish Mogwais were real cause Gizmo is so stinkin' cute! If your dyer acts out and your T.v. breaks.Before you call a repair man. Turn on all the lights, look in all the cabinets. Cause you never can tell, there just might be a Gremlin in your house.

I give this movie 5 out of 5 Skulls.

Jumat, 07 September 2012

Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters Trailer

YES!! It's finally here! The trailer for the new upcoming horror action movie Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters  has finally been released! Even though I read somewhere that it was going to be released in May. Oh well. I was already excited for this movie cause the story line sounds awesome. After watching the trailer, I'm 20 times more excited for this film. Click here to read all the reasons why I can't wait for this movie. I have a feeling it's going to be huge. If not, I'mma kill someone! ;)

Sabtu, 01 September 2012

Review: Dylan Dog, Dead of Night

I remember seeing this movie at my work. I really wish I would of bought it when I saw it. I freakin' loved this movie! I was surprised at how much I really liked it. The movie follows a man named Dylan Dog, a private investigator. Before he was scoping out cheating husbands with his job and partner Marcus. He was a Supernatural protector. He meets a lady by the name of Elizabeth asking him about that job once she found his business card in her father's room after his murder. It reads "No pulse? No problem." He tried to explain to her that he wasn't involved in that line of work anymore. Not after his girlfriend was murdered.

Once his partner was killed and turned into a zombie, he decided to get back to his original horror roots. One of her father's symbolic artifacts were stolen the night he was murdered. Now it's up to Dylan, Marcus and Elizabeth to find the artifact before it falls into the wrong hands and it unleashes terror beyond their comprehension.

This movie was down right amazing. Everything about it was awesome. The music, the fight scenes, even the script was wonderful. "I look like a dead hooker!" This movie didn't get a huge theater release and it's not very well known but I loved every single minute of it. It's a fun campy "horror" movie. It's not full on horror but it falls under the category with the story line. I highly suggest this movie and think it's a super fun watch.

It also has some pretty funny parts in it. What I like about this movie is that the comedy part of it didn't kill the whole entire movie. There are a lot of horror movies out there that the screenwriter decides to make it a horror comedy and it never works. Drag Me To Hell is a perfect example. I understand that's part of Sam Raimi's charm but that movie didn't do anything for me. It was so STUPID. I don't think it had the same feel as the Evil Dead did as everyone thinks.  This movie on the other hand did a great job mixing the two genres together. I approve! ;)

I give this movie 5 out of 5 Skulls.

Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

Movie Review: Funny Games DOUBLE FEATURE!!

Oh Funny Games, how you're not so funny. I was finally able to watch the original and remake of the horror movie, Funny Games. There are pros and cons to this movie and you're starting to see a lot of that in horror movies nowadays.
The Original (1998):

The movie is set in Austria. Two well dressed psychos, Peter and Paul hold a mother, father and son hostage in their vacation cabin and force them to play sadistic "games" with one another. The whole movie is set around the bet that Peter and Paul make which was, they bet they would be dead by 9am the next morning and the family bet they would be alive.
Now, we all get to wait and see who lives and who dies and what's up with their funky white outfits. This movie wasn't terrible but wasn't everything I had expected. I didn't like the fact that I had to read subtitles throughout the movie. Yes, I understand that it was filmed in a different country but it got old real fast. I also didn't like that weird headbanging music they kept playing. That just rattled my nerves and brain.
The Remake (2007):

Not even a decade later, they decide to do a remake for this movie. Ha! And get this. The remake is directed by the same guy who directed the original. Why he chose to direct his own movie is beyond me. Maybe he didn't get the type of reaction he wanted for the first one so he decided to remake it and see if it could work. Who knows. All I can say is, I liked the remake a lot better then the original. That says something to you. I am not a fan of horror remakes, especially of cult classics like this one.
But I also know that there are a lot of horror movies out there that need to be remade all for the sake of making it better. Funny Games, 2007 is one of those examples. I know there are people out there that love the original but I wasn't feeling it. Don't get me wrong, I didn't think the remake was God's gift to home invasion movies but it was a lot better then the original.
The remake was identical to the original except for the fact that it was in English. It had an American cast (kind of) and some names were changed. The acting was mediocre and the little boy, Georgie did the worst out of everyone. In my opinion, if you're trying to decide which one to watch just stick with the remake. You're not going to miss out on anything for watching only the remake or the original after the remake since it's pretty much the exact same movie.
My heart breaks because I had such high hopes for this movie. I remember sitting in the theatre, seeing the trailer for the remake for the first time. Not knowing that it was a remake. I was in awe. It looked so promising and I knew it was going to be amazing. It wasn't. I still can't get over how they were the same movie and how nothing was different. If you're going to remake a movie, do you at least want to make it a little different? Every remake is different from the original. It may be a remake or reboot but it's never the same movie except in a different language. I could of gotten by with just watching the remake."
The original: 2 out of 5 Skulls
The remake: 2 1/2 out of 5 skulls.

Rabu, 15 Agustus 2012

A Letter From The Editor

The days are getting shorter and darker. Here I am, 24 years of age and still living with my parents, working in retail. What do I have to offer the world? I know I have something very special that I can show the world but I can't put my finger on it. If I did, I would have to wash it. Some nights I find myself laying in bed staring at the ceiling, drifting off to my secret world that I've been going to since I was little. It's a special place where I feel safe and I feel like I'm worthy of a lot more then a single, 24 year old girl working in a grocery store.

I have a Yellow personality and we Yellows are motivated by fun, happiness and love. When the big mean Red monster known as Depression knocks on our door, we have a hard time adjusting to the fact that we're unhappy. Happiness is what we know and live by, we don't like feeling unhappy, unworthy and unloved.

The Red monster knocked on my door a couple of days ago. I've recently found out that the guy I casually dated for four months is getting married. I say casually because we were never exclusive and he didn't want to become BF/GF cause then all the other girls he's been hooking up with behind my back would find out and not talk to him anymore.

This brings me to the Red monster. Here is this big loser who had nothing going for him (at least when I was with him) no job, no car and no phone but he was lucky enough to find someone to marry. Then there's me. I'm not trying to be cocky or conceded but I think I am a great catch and would be a great girlfriend/wife. I have the type of personality that draws people in, I can get along with anyone. Regardless of age. I'm fun to be around, I can make people laugh, I'm bubbly and spunky. Yes, I know I can come off a little too strong and little eccentric but that's part of my charm.

I've been thinking to myself the past couple of days, wondering if there was something wrong with me and if I was the loser. He managed to find someone he loved enough to marry and I'm still single, never had a boyfriend, living with my parents. Working at a dead end job, feeling like my life is going nowhere and I'm going to die in retail.

I know I'm weird and I have quirks but I really do feel like that is what's going to make me famous. I have a Hollywood personality and that's where I belong. I know I'm suppose to be a comedian. Ever since I was little I specialized in Stand Up Comedy and I really do believe that's where I'm going to get my big break. Besides Stand Up Comedy, I really want to be a comedian actress and star in comedy movies. 

I've been going to an acting class for the past six weeks and I told my teacher that my favorite actress is Sandra Bullock. I want to be like her. I want to have a variety in movies and not just do comedies. We all know I have the comedy side down, comedy is what I live by. But I do know, with the proper training and practice I can go far in that industry. I can do comedy, drama, thriller, action, romance, horror. You name it. I have the drive, the OCD and the determined personality to accomplish my goals. If I put my mind to it and work hard, I can accomplish it. I've done it many of times. 

I have a feeling that one day I am going to be nominated for an Oscar. Me saying this isn't trying to be cool or cocky or act like I'm better then anyone. I really do believe I'm going to be nominated. I can't deny this feeling I have in my heart and soul, doing that is unnatural. You know when you get this feeling in your heart and it's so strong and you know without a Shadow of doubt, it's going to happen. It's hard to explain to other people because they don't know what goes on in your mind and how you feel inside. You do know what you're feeling and you can't deny that. Even if you tried to deny it and talk yourself out of it by saying "Oh that's never going to happen. Who am I kidding" you can't cause you know your feeling is true.

That's the type of feeling I have about being nominated for an Oscar. I know it's going to happen, I just know it. Do I know when it's going to happen and what type of genre I'll be nominated for? No but I know it's going to happen.  I know I have a lot to offer the world and I know there are big things in store for me. Staying in Utah, working in retail would be a waste of the talent God gave me. I'm going to make this happen. I'm going to accomplish my goals and make it in Hollywood. Even if it kills me, I will make it happen. Like I said before. I rather fail trying instead of sitting at home thinking "what if?" At least I went out and tried.

Sabtu, 21 Juli 2012

You like me! You really, really like me! Award time!!

I have been kindly awarded the Liebster Blog Award by my bad ass girls Kweeny Todd and Jenny at Jenny's House Of Horrors. I just want to thank Kweeny and Jenny for giving me this wonderful, wonderful award. Even when I'm getting snotty anonymous comments, It's nice to know that I still have my horror family by my side and they enjoy what I do.  Onto the blog rules.....

*Each person must post 11 things about them.

*Answer the questions the tagger has sent you

*Create 11 questions for the people you tagged to answer

*Choose 11 people and link them to your post

*Go to their page and tell them

*No Tag back

My 11 facts:

1: I have growth hormone deficiency. My doctors thought I wouldn't grow past 4'8, ha! I showed him. I'm 5'2.

2:  I had my bunions removed in 2006 and now I have new set of bunions on the other side of my feet.

3: I suck at multitasking. I can't talk and put away the dishes at the same time. I usually stop doing the dishes to keep up the conversation.

4: Ever since I was little I've always wanted to run away and join the Circus.

5:  My favorite animal is the White Siberian Tigers.

6:  I am always tired.

7: I've been known to sleep up to and over 15 hours.

8: If I could come back as anything I would want to come back as a Poltergeist

9:  I'm very sensitive about my weight. If someone calls me fat, I cry for three days.

10:  I hate being tan. I rather look like a albino then a oompa loompa.

11: I rather be boiling hot then freezing cold.

Jenny's Questions:

  1. Which horror situation would you least like to be stuck in? Probably in one of the Hostel movies where they torture you. I don't do well with physical pain.
  2. What grosses you out the most? Maggots. Yuck!
  3. What is your dream job? Being a porn star. Jk. Being a working actress or working in the horror industry.
  4. What do you think was the best decade for horror? The 80's, most definitely. 
  5. Describe your personality in three words. Eccentric , sweet, spunky 
  6. Do you have an idea that you would like to see made into a horror movie? Yes but I don't want to talk about it since I'm writing the screenplay for it.
  7. Who is your favorite author?  Stephen King
  8. What was your biggest fear when you were a kid? The Chucky Doll 
  9. What's your biggest fear now? The Chucky Doll and natural disasters
  10. Describe your dream home. A nice big mansion in Beverly Hills. :D
  11. What is your favorite non-horror movie? A Night At The Roxbury.

Kweeny's Questions:

1. Describe a weird dream you've had lately. I can't really remember my dreams lately but I do remember having a dream about being in one of the Resident Evil games
2. Do you play any sort of games? Video games, RPG's, board games? If so what kind of games do you enjoy? No not really, I usually just watch movies
3. Show us something you bought recently. The last thing I bought was food. :D
4. What was the last film you saw? Amusement 
5. What is the first horror movie you ever saw? Terminator 
6. Do you like thunderstorms? Why or why not? Yeah I do but lightening makes my hearing aids short out.
7. What do you do in your spare time other than blog? Write stories , watch horror movies, daydream etc
8. Have you seen The Room?  Never even heard of it. :/ 
9. Do you like Musicals? Do you find yourself breaking out into song for days on end after seeing one? (I know I do.) No not really. I did grow up on Grease so I really like that one.
10. Favourite monster: Vampire, Werewolf, Undead, etc. Name as many as you'd like or all of them and tell us why you love them. My favorite horror monster are Zombies and Frankenstein 
11. Tales From The Crypt Keeper, X Files or Twlightzone? Tales From The Crypt and I use to watch X Files with my family on Sunday nights. 

I don't have 11 people to give this award to but here are the wonderful people that I chose. 

Annie @ Annie Walls
Maynard @ Horror Movie Diary 
Brittni @ It's On Random

My Questions:

1: What's your favorite horror movie?
2: What movie got you addicted to horror movies?
3: What is the one thing you cannot live without?
4: How are you doing? ;)
5: What's your favorite holiday and why?
6: What is your greatest memory as a child?
7: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
8: What's your favorite band and song?
9: Favorite food?
10: What's a major pet peeve of yours?
11: If you could come back as anything, what would you be? 

Now, to address the anonymous comments I have been getting. In one comment on my 200th post. They told me I shouldn't post about things like that because people come to my blog to read horror movie reviews not pain and suffering of me and my family. It also told me to get my priorities straight.

Well, let me tell you a thing or two. People come to my blog and continue to read my posts because they like me and they like what I write, regardless of the topic. Horror and non horror related. My 200th post wasn't all pain and suffering. Yes it was painful knowing he had to end up needing a heart transplant but he's five years old now and doing great. I have a wonderful relationship with my nephew and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Out of all the comments I got on that post, your anonymous comment was the only pissy one. Everyone else enjoyed my post and thought it was very sweet and touching. So put that in your juice box and suck it.  One last thing. If you don't like what I post, don't read it. Who are you to tell me what I can and can't post on MY blog. You don't own this blog, I do. If I want to make a non horror related post then I can, I've done it before and all my readers enjoyed it. 

My blog is called Memoirs Of A Scream Queen. Memoirs meaning An account of one's personal life and experiences.  That means I can post about anything that has to do with my life and it doesn't have to be horror related. I also have my priorities straight, which is this blog and keeping it up and running. I do appreciate all the comments I get and all my followers. But if all you're going to do is leave snotty comments on my blog of what annoys you and how I should do this or that then go away. I don't want that type of energy on my blog. My followers and horror family appreciate what I do and they enjoy my blog and they don't care if I make one or two posts that are non horror related.

If you really enjoy my style of writing then my non horror related posts shouldn't bother you. 

Senin, 09 Juli 2012

200Th Post: 5 Year Anniversary!!

For my 200Th post, I wanted to make it extra special. I've mentioned on here before that out of all of my nieces and nephews, I am closest to my nephew Noah. Noah was born June 11Th, 2007 with a serious Congenital Heart Defect known as Critical Aortic Stenosis. Noah received his new heart on 07/07/07! When we heard about this tragic news, we had to decide whether we should go to California for the transplant or Denver since Primary Children's Hospital in Utah doesn't do transplants on babies that young.

After a long time of praying, my sister and her husband decided that Denver was the right place. My brother in law Shane had to stay in Utah because of his job so my older sister Crystal asked me if I was willing to drive to Denver with her and be a nanny for my niece Lilly who was 2 at the time. I didn't even have to think about it, I knew what I needed to do. I quit my job and packed up to move to Denver. While walking out the door to leave, my mom asked me if this was something I wanted to do and if I was sure about it.

I told her it was something I needed to do and it was going to be a great thing for me. I was 19 years old when this all happened. We arrive at the Ronald McDonald House in Denver where we would be living for the next 5 months. Noah was on the transplant list for 12 days and he received his heart when he was only 26 days old. Living in Denver, I had the opportunity to develop a better relationship with my sister Crystal, who I am really close with.

I got to raise my niece and teach her how to say Coke. ;) Most importantly, I was able to witness the greatest thing of all. My little man receiving the gift of life. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about my nephew's donor family and the terrible loss and decision they had to go through. I wish nothing but the best for them and happiness for their entire lives. If it wasn't for their gracious decision, my nephew Noah wouldn't be here today with me, walking like a Zombie and asking for another Coke. :)

Last Saturday (7Th) was the 5 year anniversary of when Noah got his heart. After a few bumps and rocky roads throughout those 5 years, Noah is getting bigger and better. Because of his transplant, he has been delayed in speech and has sensory issues. He HATES loud noises. When we were at the 4Th of July Parade, he had to wear ear phones to block out the noise.  He does have trouble speaking but he sounds so cute when he talks. I always beam ear to ear when he says my name. Jay-Nay. :D

Because of everything that has happened, I am a Organ Donor. Being able to give someone the opportunity to live is one of the greatest things you could possibly do. I am able to have my nephew with me, being able to play with him, walk like a Zombie with him and teach him new words. Noah is seriously my anti-depressant. He makes me feel so good and happy. Whenever I'm sad or upset, all I have to do is look at some of his pictures and I feel better. I can't comprehend what it would feel like if I didn't have him with me today. I don't know how my life would be like, if Noah wasn't my nephew. I couldn't go on with my life.

5 years ago on June 11Th, Noah was brought into my life. 5 years ago on July 7Th, Noah was given the opportunity to stay on this earth and continue his journey of being my sweet little man.

I'm a Organ Donor. Are you?

Senin, 02 Juli 2012

Happy INDIE-pendence Day With Annie Walls!!

I've joined a new bloghop titled INDIE-pendence Day. On this day you are suppose to make a post about an independent author or book. I decided to make a post about one of my good friends and favorite bloggers, Annie Walls. I sent her an interview so we all can get to know her better and learn more about her book.

Hi Annie! Thank you so much for letting me interview you! :) 

 Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?:  :) I'm a stay at home mom and full time novelist, getting ready for my debut into the publishing world.

*At what age did you get into writing and what made you want to become a writer?: I've been an avid reader and writer since I was a small child. Yeah, cliche I know, but it's the truth. I didn't know I wanted to do it full time until I finished Taking on the Dead. I have a large imagination and lots of ideas that come to me out of nowhere. I enjoy writing as much as I enjoy reading. 
*Tell me about your book "Taking on the Dead" What's it about and how did you come up with the concept?: TotD is about a young woman, Kansas, how survival is everything to her, but she finds that life moves on no matter what. Throughout the trilogy she gradually learns to live again. I came up with the concept watching and reading zombie fiction. I wanted it to be fun and entertaining for anyone to read. Usually when you read or watch anything about zombies, it's cheesy/comical, WAY out there, or just plain depressing. I want people to feel like if an apocalypse ever happens, there is still hope to live a semi-normal life. It's not to say that Kansas doesn't have downfalls, because she does. I basically just took survival research and zombies, and twisted it my own way. 

*Do you like when they turn the book into a movie or do you think they should just leave the book alone?: This is a hard question. Me personally? No. I hate when a movie comes out about a book... it usually ruins my imagination of setting and characters. But as an author? Honestly, I can see the pull of selling screenplay rights. I mean, that would be a BIG honor and not to mention, it would gain readers that wouldn't even think about reading a book until it becomes a movie or a show.

 *I know you like horror but is there another genre that you are really into?: I'm into quite a bit of things actually. I could read five books at any given time and they all be different genres. My editor is an erotic author, so I've been really into reading what she recommends. But right now, I'm reading The Hungry (zombie fic), and Dead Witch Walking(urban fantasy)... 

 *Is "Taking on the Dead" your only book or do you have others we can get our hands onto?: :) I will be publishing all three of The Famished Trilogy books within the next year. I have a work in progress that will be a series of four or five that is another dark fantasy. Taking on the Dead is just my author debut, and I have so much more to share and a few surprises a long the way.

*What is your favorite book and why?: GAH! This is the worst kind of question when someone is so eclectic. It changes for me. Right now I would say, Rhythm in Blue by TFC Parks... it's about a successful musician that goes to Greece for his sister's wedding and falls in love with someone he shouldn't, a fifteen year old girl. Of course, he doesn't do anything about it and leaves. The next decade of his life spirals out of control and you follow him during this time. I guess I love the taboo of it, and doing the right thing over doing something you want is very hard.... especially when it comes to love.

*Why did you start blogging?: Was it to promote your book or do you have other motives behind your blog? I did start blogging to promote my book, but it has become so much more than that... it's become a reprieve from writing. I've also met some really kick ass people.

*What is your main pet peeve about writing?: People interrupting me. When you're in the zone, you're in the zone... and there is nothing worse than someone asking a stupid question or asking for something that they can do themselves when you're in the zone. 

*Where do you come up with your ideas for a book?: Same as any writer, everywhere. I think we should come with a warning, be careful what you do or say... it might get printed.

*How do you set the mood to get yourself in the zone for your next writing project?: Whenever the mood strikes... it usually involves lots of caffeine and my quiet patio. One might say I'm really in the zone if I'm listening to music.

 Thanks again Annie! I hope you enjoyed the interview and I'm really excited about your book! :D
 My Bloggity Blog

Jumat, 29 Juni 2012

Review: Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter

Last Monday night I had the opportunity to check out the movie Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. I was excited for this movie ever since I heard about the book. I've been familiar with the author Seth Grahame-Smith since I read his book "How to survive a Horror Movie." Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter takes place with Abraham as a little boy. He witnessed his mother being killed by a vampire and he swore that one day he will get revenge for his mother's death.

About ten years goes by and he stumbles along a man named Henry. Henry agrees to teach Abraham how to kill vampires as long as he follows his rules of when, who and where. Abe gets a job at a local grocery-like store and meets the unavailable Mary Todd, or so we thought. They begin to grow fond of each other and decide to marry.

Abraham knew he needed a back up plan and something to fall back on so he decided to get into politics. He felt as President he could make the Country a better place by getting rid of all the vampires. President of the United States by day, Vampire Hunter by night. Abraham and Mary Todd have a son that ends up being killed by a female vampire that just so happens to be one of the vampire leaders of the clan.

It comes down to the Battle at Gettysburg. Our faithful soldiers against an army of vampires. Mary Todd supports her husband and helps him with the battle against the vampires a long with some of Abe's other friends. They trick the male vampire leader into thinking all the sliver they have collected to use against the vampires was on the train they were currently on.

Abraham kills the male vampire leader while his wife kills the female vampire leader. The Battle at Gettysburg takes place and they use their weapon of sliver against the vampires and win the battle. Abraham goes on to continue his role as President which includes freeing Slavery and the Battle at Gettysburg. This movie was everything I could ever ask for. I loved every single minute of it, from start to finish.

This is why I go to the movies, this is why I love horror movies. Watching a movie that makes you feel exactly how Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter made me feel is an amazing feeling and it makes you crave for more. It's really not your typical horror movie. It has a campy feel to it but not the type of campy feel that makes you feel like you're watching a  B-horror movie failure. It's campy on purpose and it doesn't expect you to take it seriously.

It's fun, it's dark, it's entertaining, it's well written and it's self absorbing. You get sucked into this movie and feel like you're fighting the Vampires with Abraham. I found myself smiling throughout the movie, it was just that good. You can't go see this movie and not think to yourself "Wow!" It's mind boggling and seriously an EPIC WIN! The music was amazing and the fight scenes were hardcore. One thing on my list of why I love this movie so much is how it's not that gorey.

We all know I'm considered a gorehound and I like gorey movies but this movie had just the right amount of gore in it to satisfy my need for blood ;) and still manage to keep it low key and not over killing it. I know a lot of people didn't like this movie and I feel bad. I feel bad that they weren't able to have the same wonderful experience that I had with this movie. If they did, they certainly would of enjoyed it a lot more. If you haven't seen the movie yet and still need something to spice up your desire to see it then don't think and just watch it. If you love horror movies and even love campy B-horror movies then I'm sure you will love this movie.

I give this movie 5 out of 5 Skulls!

Selasa, 26 Juni 2012

What Age Does Horror Movies Become Appropriate For Children?

Earlier today I was out running errands with my older sister and her two year old daughter. We grab a bite to eat at Panda Express. Sitting there enjoying our old, nasty food, my niece Emery starts jabbering away in her baby language. She stops to catch her breath then she continues with saying "I'll kill you." Ps. I am no longer able to babysit my niece. That little incident inspired this post. At what age does horror movies become "appropriate" for children?

A lot of people would argue and say kids shouldn't be able to watch or buy horror movies (R- rated) until of legal age which is 17. Though, I can understand their thinking behind it, I have no right to protest against kids watching horror movies while under the age of 17. That's something I did all the time. When me and my cousin were 15 we would go to Blockbuster and rent all of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies since they didn't ID us there. Her older sister took us to see Freddy Vs. Jason in the theatres.

I was the first one to turn 17 out of all my friends so I was the one who went up and got the tickets to the movies. I would sneak horror movies into my house cause I wasn't aloud to watch R-rated movies since I was LDS. Telling your kids they can't watch this, they can't do that doesn't make any difference because they are going to go out and do it and watch it anyway. Regardless of how much you forbid it.

That brings us back to my question above, when does horror movies become appropriate for children? Some people might think "Well they're just going to watch them behind my back even after I told them no. I might as well just take them myself." I have mixed feelings on that notion. If you found out that your kid was doing cocaine, would you just shrug it off like "Oh well, they're going to do it anyway" and help buy them the drug. Or are you going to put your foot down and lay down the law and demand them to obey it?

Just because they are going to do it anyway doesn't mean you have to enable their bad habits. I don't find watching horror movies bad. I do however believe that it's not a genre for everyone. You have to have a certain mind set to be able to digest it without your mind going totally bonkers. I would go see a new horror movie in the theatre with my friend and sitting behind me is a wife and husband with their seven year old daughter. I'm sorry but that right there irritates the shit out of me.

First off, that's one of the reasons why I don't really like seeing horror movies in the theatres. I have to deal with the seven year old's crying and screaming at every scene. Second, I think seven years old is still too young to see a horror movie. IMO. Of course I can't point my finger at them and say how dare you take your seven year old child to see this movie. They have their right to their own opinion on parenting. For me I wouldn't let any of my children watch a horror movie if they are under the age of 10.

Again, you'll find some people who would consider 10 or 11 still too young. For this question/post, it's all about opinion and personal experience. You know what type of movie it is and you know what type of feelings it produces. At 10 or 11, you know your kids more then they know themselves. It's up to you to decide if your child is old enough or ready to experience a horror movie. At what age would you let your children watch a horror movie and what are your thoughts on the subject???

Selasa, 12 Juni 2012

Jenny Krueger's Freaky Finds!!

When you're browsing the Internet, you tend to fall upon some freaky stuff. That is exactly what happened to me. When boredom meets horror obsession you get Jenny Krueger's Freaky Finds!! 

Freaky Finds #1: Mrs. Doubtfire becomes a horror movie.

I was lucky enough to find my way to this wonderful masterpiece. Someone turned the trailer of the movie Mrs. Doubtfire into a horror movie trailer. After watching it, you would be completely surprised to find out that it was fake and it's NOT a horror movie. I really wish they would make this real.

  Freaky Finds #2: Casper the friendly Ghost has a cereal.

Did you know that in the 60's they were actually thinking about coming out with a Casper themed cereal??? Move over Boo Berry, Post Ghosties is taking over. Sadly, the ghost themed cereal never became a reality. :(

Freaky Finds #3: Ventriloquist dummy pictures.

I found these pictures on FEARnet. If there is one thing that every person in the world can agree on is, Ventriloquist dummies are FUCKING creepy as HELL! I've always been terrified of dolls, thanks to Chucky. But it's those dummies that are so life like and have an uncanny human resemblance, makes my skin crawl.

Freaky Finds #4: Zombie Barbie.

Barbie has been EVERYTHING. From a Doctor to a Princess to a Lawyer. That little slut gets around. Now Barbie has died and come back as the living dead. Don't underestimate a girl who can go from being a street walker to a Doctor over night.

Freaky Finds #5: Horror themed housewares.

You can find these wonderful horror themed housewares over at Sourpuss. They also have a lot more goodies to choose from. Anything from bathroom items to bedroom items. Here I have, eyeball soap, ghost print shower curtain and bloody stains pillow case.