Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

Movie Review: The Craft

When I was younger, this movie was on T.V. and my Mom didn't want me to watch it since it was about Witchcraft. Oh please, I've seen worse. The movie is centered around a shy, recluse girl named Sarah who moves to a Catholic prep High School a year or so after she tried to commit suicide. Not knowing anyone and having the popular guy spread a rumor about her since she wouldn't sleep with him, she became friends with 3 outcast girls by the names of Nancy, Bonnie and Rochelle who were different in every way. These 3 girls were Witches and they needed a fourth to complete their covenant. They invite Sarah to join their Sisterhood and once she does, the journey of the Wicked Witch begins.

Nancy, the leader of the pack abuses the gift their "God" Manon gave to them. Someone makes her mad, she uses Witchcraft for her revenge. One bad thing after another happens and Bonnie and Rochelle start to fall in line with Nancy who brainwashed them into thinking this is the way to go with their powers. After Nancy killed Chris the popular guy who spread the rumor about Sarah, Sarah decides that being apart of this Coven isn't right for her so she tries to leave. You see, in the old days, if a witch betrayed her coven, they would kill her and that is exactly what they tried to do. All 3 of the girls gang up on Sarah and set spells on her making her hallucinate to try to make her go crazy.

Nancy slashes Sarah's wrists to make it look like she committed suicide so Sarah runs up to her room and falls to the ground and starts to recite a spell a fellow Witch who worked at the local Occult store told her about. Manon comes to Sarah's rescue and saves her, giving her apart of his power. Because of this, Sarah was able to fight off Bonnie and Rochelle with no trouble, Nancy on the other hand was just being a stubborn little Witch and wouldn't leave without a fight. In the end Sarah wins and Nancy ends up in the loony bin since no one believes that she's a Witch because Manon took away her powers.

I liked this movie a lot and it had just the right amount of spell casting to make it good. Nothing is better then Witch on Witch violence. This movie just proves to you that you should never join a Coven cause in the end you're going to change your mind and want to leave but you won't be able to leave, at least not alive. The Craft reminds me of why I never dabbled in Black Magic. I may love all things horror and everything that has to do with the dark Supernatural and the Occult but I would NEVER practice Witchcraft or participate in it. That's some heavy shit I do not want to mess with, I don't want some dark, creepy powerful force coming after my butt because I wronged them in one way or another. If you're into the Occult, Witchcraft and the Supernatural then you are going to enjoy this movie.

Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

Character Tuesdays: Merton J. Dingle

A couple of days ago one of my friends posted on facebook a show called Big Wolf On Campus. If you're a kid of the 90's you probably remember this show. I use to love watching Big Wolf all the time. It was my generation of Teen Wolf. Since he put me on a stroll down memory lane I decided to watch the episodes on youtube. Watching the show reminded me of my love for Merton J. Dingle, ohhh how I wish he was mine.

I've realized that my love for Merton never left me, I just had to dig deep down and bring it back up to the surface. Merton became friends with the popular jock Tommy Dawkins after Tommy got turned into a werewolf. Merton is the president of The Gothic Fantasy Guild and possibly the only member. He turned the basement into his own personal room and named it his lair and decked it out with Gothic paraphernalia. If he wasn't friends with Tommy then he wouldn't have any friends. Not a lot of people wants to be friends with the Gothic kid, idiots.He fights the Supernatural with Tommy and Lori.

He wears all black and has black spiky hair, loves everything that has to do with the Supernatural and horror movies. Sounds good to me! Seriously, If I ever met a guy like Merton Dingle then I would fall down to my knees and thank the Gothic Gods. Merton is definitely the guy for me, I mean really! He is the male version of me, he's into everything I'm into.

He sure knows how to make a Scream Queen smile. I would be tickled pink if I had a guy like Merton, watching horror movies together, playing in blood together. Reading Bram Stroker's Dracula together and taking late night walks in the Cemetery together. To top off all this goodness, he even drives a Hearse! How can you not fall for that!? Merton J. Dingle is the perfect guy for me and I must find someone like him.

Merton is played by Canadian actor/musician Danny Smith. Danny wrote the theme song to Big Wolf On Campus.He also had his own band called The City Drive but sadly they broke up. I googled some pictures of him and found some pictures of him with his natural hair color, Blonde. That's something we have in common, both of our natural hair color is Blonde and we dyed it Black.

He looks really good with Blonde hair but I do prefer him with Black hair, I love his Gothic look and think it's major sexy on him. Besides having the same hair color and our love for horror and the Supernatural, both me and Merton became Gothic in the 7Th Grade, we also didn't have a lot of friends but that didn't stop us from living out our Gothic/horror lifestyle and we are not ashamed! Merton J. Dingle, you are the one for me.

Senin, 20 Februari 2012

Movie Review: Edward Scissorhands

I know this review was suppose to be posted a week or so ago but I got slammed with pneumonia so forgive me. If there is one thing that Tim Burton does a great job doing it's directing movies, not remakes and that's a different story. I remember when I was younger I would always love watching Edward Scissorhands. It's such an amazing movie and it makes me cry every time. Again, it all comes down to acceptance. All Edward wanted was to be accepted by the other people in the neighborhood and to have a normal life. Edward was created by an Inventor in a Castle high on the hill top. The Inventor gave Edward everything he needs, almost everything. Unfortunately the Inventor passed away before he could give Edward some hands. After his Inventor passed away, Edward lived alone in the Castle with no connection to the outside world. One day Edwards life changed when a nice Avon lady by the name of Peg took him home with her.

Driving home, all of Peg's neighbors noticed a man in her car so they all rush to their phones to call everyone, damn nosey neighbors. In order for everyone to meet Edward, they had a BBQ to introduce him to everyone. Of course, all the women fell for Edward since he has that charm to him. A couple days later Kim, Peg's daughter comes home from her camping trip with her douchey friends. Edward falls in love with Kim and wants to be around her and do stuff for her. Since Edward is so caring of people's feelings and craving for acceptance on top of being naive he gets put up to do bad things and it kept on happening. Because of everything that has happened over the past month or so, no one would show up to Peg's annual Christmas Party.

Edward gets chased back home to his castle from the police where Kim's ex boyfriend follows and they have their final show down with Edward surviving and Kim making everyone think that he died when the roof caved in. I really love this movie and I think Tim Burton did an amazing job. The music is phenomenal, Danny Elfman is a genius. I'm a huge sucker for the lost souls like Edward, they always remind me of myself. All Edward wanted was to be accepted, he wanted a normal life. He wanted friends, he wanted a family and most importantly, he wanted to be loved. In today's society people can't get past disabilities or deformities. They see a fault in someone and instantly gets turned off. They think they can't be friends with someone who is different. That brings me back to my childhood, no one wanted to be friends with the girl with the hearing aides, then it turned into no one wanted to be friends with the Gothic girl with the hearing aides.

If you don't give people a chance then you never know what will happen. They could end up being one of your best friends but you wont know that unless you take a chance and try to be friends with them.

Selasa, 14 Februari 2012

Happy Valentines Day, Harry Warden

It's the most romantic day of the year. I always hated this holiday cause I never did anything special since I never had a boyfriend. Once I finally got a boyfriend I still never did anything cause he was a major D-Bag. I started my own tradition for the holiday. Every Valentines Day I watch My Bloody Valentine 3D. My love affair with Harry Warden started when I saw the movie in the theatre. A strong, silent man with no way of seeing what he looks like and wondering what's going on in his mind is very exciting. I don't know what it is but a guy in a uniform with a pick ax sets my body with a flame of desire. He's misunderstood, I'm a sucker for the lost souls. Yeah, he snapped and killed everyone in the mine. You never know what made him the way he was.

If I had a life with him this is the way it would go. We live a pleasant life in Harmony. He works his daily job in the Mine Shaft while I'm a stay at home mom to our 2.5 children. See, we can have a happy normal life, who cares if we happen to have a couple of bodies in our basement. That's our business. He comes home after a long day of work to see that I made his favorite meal. Sirloin Steak and a Twice Baked Potato. After a long day, he deserves something special. The rest of our night we spend with our kids, little Jimmy, Johnny and Shaynana. In our house, no one is ever bored.

We always manage to find something to keep us entertained. Whether it's Johnny trying to set the neighbor's house on fire, Jimmy digging up old graves in the Cemetery or Shaynana tying the school boys up and playing with them. All the boys love Mandy Lane? No, all the boys love Shaynana. You see, we're all normal here. We may have some quirks but that's what makes us unique. Valentines Day is such a special holiday. We always have that one tradition that we look forward to. You should spend the day with someone you love and hold dear to your heart. I hope everyone had a wonderful bloody Valentines Day and remember to spread the fear.

Jumat, 03 Februari 2012

Why Twilight "like" relationships don't work

We're coming to a close of the Twilight franchise. (thank you, God!) It's been a long and painful 4 years that I am happy to see it end. Girls around the country were swept off their feet when Twilight was born and thus began the craze known as Twihards. Also began the debate, Team Edward and Team Jacob. Pssh, Team Tebow! ;) All the girls wanted to be Bella, they wanted their boyfriends to be Edward and they desperately wanted their relationship to be like the Twilight relationship. Check please! I don't understand how any girl would want that type of relationship, it's not even healthy!

I would go crazy if I dated someone like Edward Cullen. He is one of the worst type of guys you could ever go for. Girls need to wake up and get back to reality and realize that the Twilight relationship is totally abusive. We have Bella, a pasty pale, timid, clumsy ditz who can't think for herself and has to rely on her boyfriend. That brings us to Edward. Pasty pale, ego manic who thinks the world revolves around him. He's controlling, clingy and obsessive. He also watches you while you sleep, how is that not rapey?! You don't want to be in that type of relationship, it's not worth it.

The relationship like the Twilight one never works. The girl either gets smart and leaves the guy or he gets bored and goes out and tries to find some other girl he'll have a better chance at controlling. Here's my favorite one, the girl will get so depressed in this messed up relationship that she goes crazy and kills herself or her boyfriend then she appears on the T.v. show "Snapped." Ahhh! Young love. Is that what you want out of life? To be known as the girl who went crazy and killed her boyfriend? I don't know about you but I rather be single and all alone instead of being in a messed up, dysfunctional relationship. Don't even try to argue with me saying the whole "If you love someone you never want to let them go or be away from them" thing cause that is totally different.

Loving someone so much that you never want to let them go is not the same as being clingy and obsessive to the point of suffocating your so called lover. I mentioned before that I would love to be in a relationship with someone and have that connection with that special person but I'm not going to jeopardize my self esteem to have a relationship. I already did that with my first boyfriend last year and look how well that turned out. It left me cold, bitter and with hopes he gets hit by a bus. Jack ass! Come on girls, you can find someone a lot better then the trendy popular guy that has every one's attention. The reason why I stayed with my ex boyfriend and tried to go back to him after all he did to me was because I felt like this was my last chance for a relationship. I thought if I didn't stay with him or go back to him I was going to stay single forever.

I thought I was in love with him so I didn't want to end things with him. I liked the way I felt when I was with him so I didn't want to let that go. I haven't been that type of girl who went out on all these dates with guys and guys usually didn't go for girls like me so when I finally found someone who gave me that type of attention and wanted to be with me, I instantly thought take it and don't let it go. I was so blinded by the thought of finally having a boyfriend and being in "love" that I devoted all of my time to him and I ignored all the red flags and the way he treated me. He cheated on me during the whole relationship and stole money from me, never took me out on an actual date and I paid for everything and I drove every where and he never gave me money for gas. He didn't want to have pictures taken of me and him and he didn't want to announce our relationship on facebook.

Even though those are little things but I thought if he isn't willing to do the little things then what makes me think he's going to be willing to do the big things. He wasn't and he didn't. He was only using me for money and sex, Ha! The jokes on him, he may of gotten my money but he didn't get sex from me. :D I don't care who you are, you're not getting any of that until you put a ring on my finger. Just like Twilight relationships, it didn't work out after 4 years of knowing him. I will never degrade myself like that ever again just for the sake of being in a relationship and I rather be single then put myself through that. If Edward and Bella were real people their relationship wouldn't last. One of them is going to end up killing the other one. When I think of relationships, the one that comes to mind is the type of relationship everyone should go for. The relationship of Johnny Dingle and Missy McCloud from My Boyfriend's Back. The line that Missy says in the movie makes me want that type of relationship.

"He died for me, he came back from the dead for me, he ate someone for me!" - Missy McCloud.

That is the type of love everyone should go for and it's the type of love I want and I won't stop till I get it. If it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen but I'm going to do whatever I can to try to make it happen. The moral of this post is if you settle for a "Twilight relationship" then prepare to either be shipped off to a Mental Institution or Jail. Happy dating!!