Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

Leave Tim Tebow Alone!

About a few weeks ago I logged onto MSN.com to see that the new "trending" topic was the skit Saturday Night Live did about Denver Broncos QB Tim Tebow. I checked it out on youtube since I missed the whole show. I was absolutely shocked when I watched it. My whole mouth dropped then a rush of anger came over me. People would try to argue with me and say that the only reason it made me mad is because I'm a Tim Tebow fan. That's not 100% true, more like 40% The other 60% is because I felt like they were making fun of Christians all together. They make fun of him saying his speech "First off I would like to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" blah, blah, blah and the guy playing Tebow kneels down to the position of praying that Tim has been seen doing then suddenly Jesus Christ appears in the locker room with Tim and the rest of the Denver team.

The skit goes on with "Jesus" telling Tim to tone it down and to stop being in every one's face about his beliefs. He also mentions that Tim should start reading the playbook and Tebow chimes in saying the Holy Bible is his playbook and Christ responds with "that's good but start reading the REAL playbook" and then tells him to work on his athletic abilities. I didn't find that funny at all, it was mean and uncalled for. I was talking to one of the girls I work with telling her about the skit. She goes, was it really that bad? It's Saturday Night Live after all. I said it wasn't funny, it was cruel then I went on to telling her about it and she says okay now I understand why it made you mad cause that was just rude.

When does making fun of some one's beliefs in God and Jesus Christ funny? There's a saying that I love and is the perfect saying to live by. "I rather live my life believing in God and find out that he doesn't exist then living my life not believing in God to find out he DOES exist." Is it really bad that he's a huge believer and supporter of Christianity and he wants to express it? No, it's not. He's not going around shoving his beliefs and opinion down any one's throat, he's not going around saying he's right you're wrong and you're all sinners and you need to repent. You don't have to believe what he says and you don't have to listen to it. If you don't like the fact that he thanks Jesus Christ in all of his interviews then don't watch it, don't watch the game and change the channel.

At least we have a QB who has great standards and morals and is the type of person that is worth looking up to. Let me ask you this, would you rather have a QB who promotes happiness, love, family, God, hard work and kindness or someone who promotes hate, violence, Satan, laziness, meanness and who is self centered? It's nice to have someone like Tim Tebow who thanks someone other then himself in interviews. Speaking of mean, self centered people, Bill Maher just LOVES to pick on Tim Tebow and organized religion. Why? Because he's an atheist. He posted on Twitter on Christmas Eve bashing the QB and God.

"Wow, Jesus just fucked Tim Tebow bad! And on Xmas Eve! Somewhere in hell Satan is tebowing, saying to Hitler "Hey, Buffalo's killing them"

Because of that tweet there has been an uproar of angry fans defending the Broncos QB, myself included. I posted to Twitter and Facebook with..

"Bill Maher, if you want to be someone who doesn't believe in anything that's fine. You don't need to bash people who choose to believe in God. It doesn't make you look cool or better then anyone, just a pathetic waste of human flesh."

Maher responds to all the tweets against him via tweeter.

"All u J-freaks having a cow re my Tebow tweets pls go back to the much longer piece we did on 11/4 Real Time and have a proper heart attack."

Wow, nice insult Mr. Maher. By the way, learn how to spell douche bag!
I have never liked Bill Maher and it's not because he makes fun of Tebow, it's because of the way he presents himself and how he acts like the only opinion that matters is his own. Several years ago he came out with a movie mocking organized religion and that's what made me not like him because I believe in God and Jesus Christ and I'm not ashamed to admit it and it's pretty sad that someone who chooses not to believe in anything worth living that he has to take it upon himself to tease, bash and humiliate someone who actually does. It's understandable that Maher doesn't believe in God, that means happiness, love and kindness, qualities he obviously doesn't have.

Yes, it makes me mad when I see people making fun of Tebow because of his faith in God and Jesus Christ because I am a huge fan of Tebow and I look up to him and the way he presents himself and I love how he's not ashamed in admitting his faith and he's proud of it. He is one of the true definitions of being Christ like and I salute him for it. If someone made fun of something or someone you like and look up to, would that make you upset? Of course it would cause no one likes to see someone make fun of something that means a lot to you. Tebow is a wonderful person and he's an inspiration to me in many ways. Because of him I want to in brace my Christianity and I want to live the word of God and I'm not ashamed of it. People just need to leave Tebow alone, he's not doing anything wrong. A lot of people just don't like how religious he is. Making fun of his beliefs is getting old and is out of line and I would LOVE to log on to MSN.com and not see someone else making fun of him.

So what, he believes in God, that's great. Believing in God means everything that I have mentioned before. Love , happiness, family, kindness etc. Who wouldn't want to believe in that? You may not think he's the best QB but let him live his life, let him be a Christian. Bashing him isn't going to make things better or make him go away. It's just going to make him want to prove you all wrong and by golly I hope he does.

Go Tebow and God Bless!!

Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

Happy Horrordays!! (little rant post)

The Holidays are almost 2 days away and some people haven't even started their Christmas shopping. *Tisk tisk* What I love about horror is that it can take a wonderful happy time and turn it into a scary dark experience. I love Horror themed Holiday movies and we sure have some great ones. I have made a list of some of our favorite Christmas horror movies.

Silent Night, Deadly Night

"A young boy watches his parents killed by a thief in a Santa suit. He spends his youth in an orphanage, staying quietly to his self, but his mind is further bent by an ironhanded Mother Superior. He finally gets a job at a local store, where he finally snaps when he is required to wear a Santa suit, and goes on a killing spree that leads him slowly back to the orphanage. "

Christmas Evil

"Widely recognized as the best of the Christmas horror efforts, Christmas Evil is the story of a boy who loves Christmas. He is scarred as a boy when he learns that Santa is not real. Throughout the rest of his life, the toy-maker tries to make the Christmas spirit a reality. He becomes obsessed with the behavior of children and the quality of the toys he makes. When he is met with hypocrisy and cynicism, the resulting snap causes him to go on a yuletide killing spree to complete this dark comedic horror."


"A boy inadvertently breaks 3 important rules concerning his new pet and unleashes a horde of malevolently mischievous monsters on a small town."

Black Christmas

"A sorority house is terrorized by a stranger who makes frightening phone calls and then murders the sorority sisters during Christmas break."

Jack Frost

"A serial killer dies, comes back as a snowman, and wreaks havoc."

The Gingerbread Man

"An evil yet adorable Gingerbread man comes to life with the soul of a convicted killer - this real life cookie monster wreaks havoc on the girl who sent the killer to the electric chair."

(Onto the rant part of the post)

You've probably heard about this topic before cause they've mentioned it on t.v. A lot of people believe that we shouldn't say Merry Christmas, only Happy Holidays. Well, I don't agree with that at all. I was raised and baptized Mormon and I'm a true believer of Christianity so I celebrate Christmas. I don't think we should have to say Happy Holidays and if we celebrate Christmas then we have every right to say Merry Christmas. Some people say it so they don't offend other people but if they are that easily offended then big who cares to them. If someone says Merry Christmas to someone who doesn't celebrate Christmas they should just say I don't celebrate Christmas but thank you instead of getting all butt hurt about it.

What irritates me is that everyone is making such a big fuss about it because not everyone celebrates Christmas, yeah so? I'm not going to stop saying Merry Christmas just because there are other Holidays in December. I don't celebrate Hanukkah or Kwanzaa so I'm not going to say Happy Hanukkah, Kwanzaa! Christmas is the holiday I celebrate and I'm proud of it, not being able to say Merry Christmas and only Happy Holidays makes me feel like I'm not aloud to celebrate my Holiday. If someone came up to me and said Happy Hanukkah or Kwanzaa I would say thank you, Merry Christmas. People need to stop being so easily offended and lighten up, choose your battles. Just cause someone says Merry Christmas to you doesn't mean they're taking away your right to celebrate your holiday it's just they celebrate a different holiday and that's what they want to do.

The world is getting more dark and evil and people getting offended over every little thing doesn't help the matter. I have a very odd and different sense of humor and I can be very sarcastic so I'm not easily offended. The only thing that actually offends me is when someone makes a derogatory comment against my family or towards someone who has a disability because I'm deaf and I draw the line at that. The other thing that offends me is when people go out of their way to make fun of some one's beliefs in other words being a Christian. Everyone has a right to their own opinion, just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean you have to be rude and trash the person and their beliefs (SNL skit about Tim Tebow-post coming soon) That's the one thing I have never done, I have never trash another person's beliefs because I don't like when someone does that to me.

I'm not ashamed for being a Christian and celebrating Christmas and I'm going to continue doing so, if you don't like it then big whoop, I'm not changing for anyone.
Lets put CHRIST back into Christmas.

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season and you've been good so Santa will bring you lots of presents ;) Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa! :)

Merry Christmas & Happy Horrordays, God Bless!! :D

Senin, 19 Desember 2011

The love child of Jenny Krueger and a random Serial Killer

Isn't she just so freakin' adorable?! ;)

I know I've been lacking in the blogging area lately, I blame the weather. This is the time of year that you would think people would blog more on their horror sites but I'm the exact opposite. I blog the most in the summer time since I'm more up beat during that season. I have a post I've been working on so I'll put it up as soon as I'm done. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and hope you have a great week. I'll be back real soon, I promise :D

Merry Christmas and God Bless.

- Jenny Krueger

Minggu, 04 Desember 2011

Top 5!!!

Hey everyone!! I just wanted to let you all know that my horror blog Memoirs Of A Scream Queen made the top 5 for TheMovie411 blog awards!! Also, for the second year in a row I made the top 5 for the sexiest female award. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!! Vote for me on both of those categories. It would mean a lot to me if I win this award soooo please! I will love you all forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and EVER!! :D

TheMovie411 Blog Awards!!