Senin, 05 Juli 2010

Lets Bend Over Backwards For The Last Exorcism:

I heard about the new horror flick The Last Exorcism on FEARnet and I instantly thought HOTT DAMN!! My favorite type of horror movies are slasher movies, zombie movies and anything that has to do with the supernatural like demons, ghosts, witches and the devil. I LOVE possession movies, it's like I tell my friends when we're talking about the type of movies we like, they would always say they like Si-Fi movies like aliens, not me I HATE alien movies. Give me a good'ole devil possession any day. You have no idea how excited I am about this movie. Hollywood horror has gone done hill and we the horror fans need a horror movie that's going to show everyone what horror really is. Enough with the bullshit remakes, enough with the comedy horror. I can't think of any movie that tried to mix comedy into horror that didn't suck cause they all did. *cough cough Drag Me To Hell cough cough* The Last Exorcism will be making it's debut this month at the LA Film Fest and arriving in theatres August 27Th. Produced by Eli Roth, written by Huck Botko & Andrew Gurland, and directed by Daniel Stamm

The movie is about a troubled evangelical minister who agrees to let his last exorcism be filmed by a documentary crew. But upon arriving at the already blood drenched family farm, it is soon clear that nothing could have prepared him for the true evil he encounters there. Now, too late to turn back, Reverend Marcus' own beliefs are shaken to the core when he and his crew must find a way to save Nell (the girl who is possessed) - and themselves - before it's too late. This movie looks like it's going to be a huge hit in the horror community and I can't wait. I'm in need of some good old fashion horror that the horror movies nowadays aren't cutting it and I think this movie will break that mold and bring horror back to it's roots where it belongs

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