Selasa, 06 Juli 2010

Review: The Haunting In Connecticut:

I bought the movie "The Haunting In Connecticut" since I haven't seen it and I've been wanting to see it cause it's right up my alley. My main favorite things in horror are Zombies and anything demonic like demons, spirits, witches, haunting's, the devil etc. I get home from work and hung out in my room and watched the movie. Yeah I know your probably thinking why the hell are you watching a horror movie by yourself? I watch horror movies in my dark room all alone as a hobby so don't mess with me lol.

I have to say this movie was very well done. My only problem with it was it kinda dragged, it didn't start getting intense till the middle to the end of the movie. I didn't think this movie was really scary but it was kinda creepy and with me there's a difference between being scary and creepy. The end was the most intense for me with what Matt was trying to do and with him having cancer.

The movie's about a family living with their son who has cancer and the mom wanted to move to a different house in Connecticut that was closer to the hospital. The mom finally finds a house and was so excited to move in cause she thought it was perfect. Ha! sucker! The character Matt who has cancer was looking through the house with his younger bother and they stumble across a secret room that they didn't know was there. They decide to explore and soon realize that the secret room was actually a morgue and the house use to be a funeral parlor. Home sweet home!

Matt later starts seeing and hearing things which is kinda like The Amity Ville Horror. The mom contacts a priest and he explains that a lot of people with a terminal illness like cancer are a open door to spirits contacting them. The movie continues with Matt trying to get rid of the spirits in the house. The actors in this movie are outstanding and did a very great job. Kyle Gallner played the cancer character Matt and he did a wonderful job and not bad to look at either. Mmmmmm, he is yummy.

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