Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

Stop the madness!! Just say no!!

When October comes around we usually get a few decent Horror Movies hitting the theatres. Not anymore, the horror genre has started to go down hill a couple of years ago. What do we have this year? Paranormal Activity 3. Good Hell! It seems that the only horror movies coming out for Halloween or the main horror movie of the year for that matter is usually one of the Paranormal Activity and SAW movies. Horror, my love. Are you feeling okay? You haven't been yourself lately. Nowadays the only thing we see is, never ending sequels to movies that should of ended after the 3rd one. We've been seeing nothing but remakes after remake, mainly of movies that shouldn't of been remade in the first place. Movies that have so many plot holes in them, every time a scene changes you instantly get confused and shout out "What the Hell just happened?!" It looks to me that the horror film makers have gotten a little lazy.

Producer: "We need to come up with a new idea for a horror movie."Director: "Nah! Let's just remake a movie that has already been remade five times and then when we're done we'll make a sequel. See? We're set for the entire year! Now get out so I can get back to counting my money."

Lazy Fat Cats. Horror is going down hill because film makers rather remake a movie or make a sequel to the other five sequels instead of putting the effort into coming up with a movie that doesn't suck. They're lazy and afraid of taking a chance on a concept because they don't know how society is going to react. Screw society! Go out and take a chance, you're never going to know how the audience will react if you don't make your movie. Who cares if they hate it, at least you had the balls to make it and show the world what lingers in your mind. This brings me to Tom Six, the director of the movie The Human Centipede. I have quite the little crush on that man. Why? Because he makes movies that speak to my heart.

What I love about that man is that he thought of a concept that was out of the ordinary and that was sick and twisted. Instead of being afraid of what everyone will think, he went for it and man I am glad he did. This type of movie had everything I wanted. The first movie fell a little short with the shock value since I'm so desensitized it takes a lot to shock me. Even though it wasn't as shocking as I wanted I still loved it and thought it was a wonderful movie. The type of horror movies I love are the ones that get your heart pumping and leave you with a eerie feeling, also horror movies that make you think "what the fuck!?" and gives you a rush. I live for those types of movies and I love the feeling it gives me. I get such a high off of movies that are so sick and twisted that I'm craving for more.

I'm looking forward to part 2 of The Human Centipede cause that's suppose to be even more sick and shocking then the first one. That is exactly what I need! More film makers need to be like Tom Six. I've read a lot of mean comments about him saying he's a sick bastard and he needs to be in a mental hospital. Why? Is it because he thought outside the box and wasn't afraid to take a chance on a movie that was going to be controversial? Everyone is so easily offended and they need to pull the stick out of their ass. This is what horror is and what it should be. The genre needs to get back to it's true horror roots and put an end to the constant making of sequels and remakes. What we have going for us in the horror world is, Wrong Turn 4, Paranormal Activity 4. SCREAM 4, 5,6, and 7. The remake of Child's Play, sequels to the remakes of A Nightmare On Elm Street and possibly Friday The 13Th.

We might also see a sequel to Beetlejuice, the remake of Stephen King's IT, they came out with the remake of Children of the Corn and now a prequel. It's not over yet, there's going to be a Ring 3 in 3D annnnd The Texas Chainsaw Massacre in 3D. See a pattern here? Lazy, lazy, lazy and no originality. What I'm trying to say is STOP REMAKING MOVIES AND SEQUELS THAT WE HAVE ALREADY SEEN 6 TIMES!! It was bad when they had to remake A Nightmare On Elm Street cause not only did they shit all over it, they chose the worse person to play him. No offense to Jackie Earle Haley I just think they could of gotten someone better since they didn't want to use Robert Englund. (jackasses) To top that off they remade the love of my life, Children of the Corn. That movie was HORRIBLE. I know he made the remake more like the book which is why I didn't like it cause I read the book after I watched the original so I wasn't happy with it. Like that wasn't bad enough they had to make a damn prequel. That movie didn't need a prequel, we understand the concept of the movie.

Brainwashed evil children go psycho and kill all the adults in town and sacrifice them to He Who Walks Behind The Rows, WE GET IT!!! Please stop the madness, my heart can't take it anymore!

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