Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

Help Me......

Someone, please help me. I've always told people that I need a therapist who enjoys a challenge cause we all know that I am one big bucket of crazy. For the past couple of weeks I have been having a problem with writer's block and I can't seem to get over it. I can't find interesting things to write about or I'm just too lazy to find the time to write out a movie review. The only thing I seem to be able to post about is when I do Music Mondays, I can't keep doing ONLY that. It gets old after awhile and I really don't want everyone to get sick of that segment cause I want that to become a huge thing that let's me promote bands. I have a lot of goals and dreams I want to happen with this horror blog and I need some help to accomplish it. My goal is to be one of the horror writers for either FEARnet or Bloody-Disgusting. Also there is a site called BUZZNET I would like to be a horror writer for. They have a few fashion and music promoter blogs but they don't have a horror writer.

I would like to change that. Horror is starting to become a HUGE thing, to the horror fans out there horror is already huge. Now you're starting to see it more in your everyday life and it's becoming a pop culture trend. I want to be able to blog and write about all things horror and help get the word out on this wonderful genre that we love so much. There are somethings I have to do in order to try to go after that goal. I am not a professional writer I know this but I have written enough over the years to not suck, I'm not the greatest writer and I do want to get better and more professional. I would like to spruce up my writing, my only problem is I am flippin' broke and I can't afford to take any Writing/English classes and I feel the only way I'm able to do that is to buy books on Writing and Proper English and Grammar.

Growing up I've struggled with trying to find a talent, I couldn't sing because I'm tone deaf which also meant I can't play any instruments. I like to dance but not enough to make a career out of it. Cooking? no thanks. Photography, I hated that subject in school. The only true talent I had and that fit my personality and stuck with me all these years was writing. I have A.D.H.D. so my mind is always running and I'm a huge daydreamer and a lover of fantasies. I have a talent that I'm able to take the stories I have playing in my head and put it on paper and have it actually make sense. I'm very opinionated(the nice kind) and I want to get my ideas out to the world. There is a scene in the movie "The King's Speech" that stuck with me even though I didn't really enjoy that movie.

[Sees Logue is sitting on the coronation throne]

King George VI: What are you doing? Get up! You can't sit there! GET UP!
Lionel Logue: Why not? It's a chair.
King George VI: No, that. It is not a chair. T-that... that is Saint Edward's chair.
Lionel Logue: People have carved their names on it.
King George VI: [Simultaneously] That... chair... is the seat on which every king and queen has... That is the Stone of Scone you ah-are trivializing everything. You trivialize...
Lionel Logue: [Simultaneously] It's held in place by a large rock. I don't care about how many royal arseholes have sat in this chair.
King George VI: Listen to me. *Listen to me!*
Lionel Logue: Listen to you? By what right?
King George VI: Because I have a right to be heard. I have a voice!

I have a voice and I want it to be heard. I know what I want in life and what I want as a career and I am not afraid to go after it. I don't want to waste my time, day after day wishing and hoping. I want it to happen, I don't want to be stuck in retail my entire life having the "what ifs" play in the back of my mind. This is something I know I will be good at and something I can accomplish, with some help.
I posted a status on my Facebook about this topic that I thought was worthy enough to share on here.

"I have goals in life, yes you might not agree with them and you probably won't think I'll accomplish them but please keep that to yourself. Why bring me down just because you have doubts? I know what I want in life and I'm not afraid to go after it. If I'm happy with what I'm doing and I'm not hurting anyone then why can't I have that? Even if I don't succeed at least I went out and tried instead of sitting at home thinking "what if?" " - Jenny Krueger's Facebook

If anyone has any ideas or ways that can help at all with anything that I have mentioned in this post I will greatly appreciate it. :)

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