Senin, 05 Maret 2012

The Legacy: His Name Was Jason

It's coming everyone, the day is coming. Friday the 13Th. The joyous day will be among us this April. Because of my love affair with Jason, I wanted to do a special post dedicated to the wonders that is Jason Voorhees and I want everyone to participate in it. The Vampire Valentines Day post Holly over at hollyshorrorland did, inspired me to have a blogfest of my own titled The Legacy: His Name Was Jason. To participate in this Friday the 13Th Blogfest just leave your name and blog title and link. On April, Friday the 13Th just make a post dedicated to Jason Voorhees. It doesn't matter how long, it just needs to be about Jason.

Also, put this wonderful Jason banner that Jeremy over at Retro Zombie made for me on your blog with a link back to this post. This guy is truly gifted, that banner is bad ass! On F13, after you make your Jason post, direct your readers to this post so everyone can meet all the participants and check out their blogs. Hope you all join in this wonderful blogfest to show our love to one of the greatest horror villains ever made! Click the blue button below that says "Add your link" and add your name, email address and blog URL and you're entered!! Here is Chris Regan's Friday the 13th post click here.

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