Senin, 20 Februari 2012

Movie Review: Edward Scissorhands

I know this review was suppose to be posted a week or so ago but I got slammed with pneumonia so forgive me. If there is one thing that Tim Burton does a great job doing it's directing movies, not remakes and that's a different story. I remember when I was younger I would always love watching Edward Scissorhands. It's such an amazing movie and it makes me cry every time. Again, it all comes down to acceptance. All Edward wanted was to be accepted by the other people in the neighborhood and to have a normal life. Edward was created by an Inventor in a Castle high on the hill top. The Inventor gave Edward everything he needs, almost everything. Unfortunately the Inventor passed away before he could give Edward some hands. After his Inventor passed away, Edward lived alone in the Castle with no connection to the outside world. One day Edwards life changed when a nice Avon lady by the name of Peg took him home with her.

Driving home, all of Peg's neighbors noticed a man in her car so they all rush to their phones to call everyone, damn nosey neighbors. In order for everyone to meet Edward, they had a BBQ to introduce him to everyone. Of course, all the women fell for Edward since he has that charm to him. A couple days later Kim, Peg's daughter comes home from her camping trip with her douchey friends. Edward falls in love with Kim and wants to be around her and do stuff for her. Since Edward is so caring of people's feelings and craving for acceptance on top of being naive he gets put up to do bad things and it kept on happening. Because of everything that has happened over the past month or so, no one would show up to Peg's annual Christmas Party.

Edward gets chased back home to his castle from the police where Kim's ex boyfriend follows and they have their final show down with Edward surviving and Kim making everyone think that he died when the roof caved in. I really love this movie and I think Tim Burton did an amazing job. The music is phenomenal, Danny Elfman is a genius. I'm a huge sucker for the lost souls like Edward, they always remind me of myself. All Edward wanted was to be accepted, he wanted a normal life. He wanted friends, he wanted a family and most importantly, he wanted to be loved. In today's society people can't get past disabilities or deformities. They see a fault in someone and instantly gets turned off. They think they can't be friends with someone who is different. That brings me back to my childhood, no one wanted to be friends with the girl with the hearing aides, then it turned into no one wanted to be friends with the Gothic girl with the hearing aides.

If you don't give people a chance then you never know what will happen. They could end up being one of your best friends but you wont know that unless you take a chance and try to be friends with them.

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