Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

Character Tuesdays: Merton J. Dingle

A couple of days ago one of my friends posted on facebook a show called Big Wolf On Campus. If you're a kid of the 90's you probably remember this show. I use to love watching Big Wolf all the time. It was my generation of Teen Wolf. Since he put me on a stroll down memory lane I decided to watch the episodes on youtube. Watching the show reminded me of my love for Merton J. Dingle, ohhh how I wish he was mine.

I've realized that my love for Merton never left me, I just had to dig deep down and bring it back up to the surface. Merton became friends with the popular jock Tommy Dawkins after Tommy got turned into a werewolf. Merton is the president of The Gothic Fantasy Guild and possibly the only member. He turned the basement into his own personal room and named it his lair and decked it out with Gothic paraphernalia. If he wasn't friends with Tommy then he wouldn't have any friends. Not a lot of people wants to be friends with the Gothic kid, idiots.He fights the Supernatural with Tommy and Lori.

He wears all black and has black spiky hair, loves everything that has to do with the Supernatural and horror movies. Sounds good to me! Seriously, If I ever met a guy like Merton Dingle then I would fall down to my knees and thank the Gothic Gods. Merton is definitely the guy for me, I mean really! He is the male version of me, he's into everything I'm into.

He sure knows how to make a Scream Queen smile. I would be tickled pink if I had a guy like Merton, watching horror movies together, playing in blood together. Reading Bram Stroker's Dracula together and taking late night walks in the Cemetery together. To top off all this goodness, he even drives a Hearse! How can you not fall for that!? Merton J. Dingle is the perfect guy for me and I must find someone like him.

Merton is played by Canadian actor/musician Danny Smith. Danny wrote the theme song to Big Wolf On Campus.He also had his own band called The City Drive but sadly they broke up. I googled some pictures of him and found some pictures of him with his natural hair color, Blonde. That's something we have in common, both of our natural hair color is Blonde and we dyed it Black.

He looks really good with Blonde hair but I do prefer him with Black hair, I love his Gothic look and think it's major sexy on him. Besides having the same hair color and our love for horror and the Supernatural, both me and Merton became Gothic in the 7Th Grade, we also didn't have a lot of friends but that didn't stop us from living out our Gothic/horror lifestyle and we are not ashamed! Merton J. Dingle, you are the one for me.

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