Rabu, 18 Januari 2012

It's MY blog!

A few days ago I got a comment on the post I made about Tim Tebow. Because the guy didn't agree with the post, he decided to rip me to shreds and was the biggest jerk to me. I'm not going to say who it was since a lot of my readers read his blog, I also deleted his comment. I tried to reply to his comment calmly and nicely since I enjoyed reading his blog and I liked him as a friend. That didn't do anything, he continued to trash me and Tebow, calling me a single minded, ignorant person living off in La La land worshiping an invisible man in the sky. If I want to worship an invisible man in the sky then that's my prerogative. Because of his second reply I said screw it and the inner bitch came out and I let him have it. Don't mess with a girl who has an Irish temper.

I threw back in his face everything he brought up to me and then some. He said the only reason I made that post was because I was annoyed that someone was making fun of Tebow and it annoyed him that I was sticking up for him and denigrating Bill Maher at the same time. Hmmm.. so apparently it's only okay for him to stick up for something but when I do it I'm considered ignorant and single minded. Also he has every right to denigrate me but I can't call Bill Maher a douche bag since he has a different opinion then me and his opinion is the right one. He didn't like the fact that I get upset when someone voices their opinion in a mean way and says no one has to be nice because I said so.

First off, I never once said people HAD to be nice when they voiced their opinion because I said so. I said I THINK they should which is a big difference. Second, you can voice your opinion in a nice way, it's not hard. That's why a lot of people get in huge fights when they're in a debate cause everyone thinks the only way to get your point across is to be a dick. Because of that little argument we had through email, I felt the need to make this post. This is MY blog so I have the right to post about anything I choose. If you don't like what I talk about then don't read my blog.

I appreciate everyone who reads and follows my blog and I do love reading your comments. If I make a post about how much I love a movie and you comment and say you didn't and why, that is totally fine. I respect every one's opinion and I love hearing why it wasn't your favorite. I am however not going to tolerate someone making a mean comment trashing me for my opinion on MY post on MY blog. You don't like how I'm obsessed with Tim Tebow and want to post about it, then unfollow me and go on your merry way. My intention for voicing my opinion in my posts is not to offend or hurt any one's feelings. If I say something that ended up offending anyone please email me and let me know. Just say "Hey Jenny, you said something in your post that offended me and made me upset." I would then apologize repeatedly letting you know I never intended for that.

I am totally fine with someone telling me that or voicing their opinion against mine as long as they're not mean to me about it. I don't voice my opinion in a mean way or treat other people badly because their opinion is different then mine which is why I get so upset when people do it to me. It all comes down to the fact that this is MY blog, I don't go around trashing other people on their blogs cause of their opinions so please don't do it to me. When I say that this is my blog just think of Gollum in The Lord of the Rings saying "My Precious!"

I don't get anyone emailing me telling me that I offended them cause I don't post
anything offensive, but if you do get offended over something I said I will still apologize to you cause I wasn't trying to offend anyone. I will leave you with this music video from Britney Spears titled My Prerogative, enjoy. ;)

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