Sabtu, 21 Juli 2012

You like me! You really, really like me! Award time!!

I have been kindly awarded the Liebster Blog Award by my bad ass girls Kweeny Todd and Jenny at Jenny's House Of Horrors. I just want to thank Kweeny and Jenny for giving me this wonderful, wonderful award. Even when I'm getting snotty anonymous comments, It's nice to know that I still have my horror family by my side and they enjoy what I do.  Onto the blog rules.....

*Each person must post 11 things about them.

*Answer the questions the tagger has sent you

*Create 11 questions for the people you tagged to answer

*Choose 11 people and link them to your post

*Go to their page and tell them

*No Tag back

My 11 facts:

1: I have growth hormone deficiency. My doctors thought I wouldn't grow past 4'8, ha! I showed him. I'm 5'2.

2:  I had my bunions removed in 2006 and now I have new set of bunions on the other side of my feet.

3: I suck at multitasking. I can't talk and put away the dishes at the same time. I usually stop doing the dishes to keep up the conversation.

4: Ever since I was little I've always wanted to run away and join the Circus.

5:  My favorite animal is the White Siberian Tigers.

6:  I am always tired.

7: I've been known to sleep up to and over 15 hours.

8: If I could come back as anything I would want to come back as a Poltergeist

9:  I'm very sensitive about my weight. If someone calls me fat, I cry for three days.

10:  I hate being tan. I rather look like a albino then a oompa loompa.

11: I rather be boiling hot then freezing cold.

Jenny's Questions:

  1. Which horror situation would you least like to be stuck in? Probably in one of the Hostel movies where they torture you. I don't do well with physical pain.
  2. What grosses you out the most? Maggots. Yuck!
  3. What is your dream job? Being a porn star. Jk. Being a working actress or working in the horror industry.
  4. What do you think was the best decade for horror? The 80's, most definitely. 
  5. Describe your personality in three words. Eccentric , sweet, spunky 
  6. Do you have an idea that you would like to see made into a horror movie? Yes but I don't want to talk about it since I'm writing the screenplay for it.
  7. Who is your favorite author?  Stephen King
  8. What was your biggest fear when you were a kid? The Chucky Doll 
  9. What's your biggest fear now? The Chucky Doll and natural disasters
  10. Describe your dream home. A nice big mansion in Beverly Hills. :D
  11. What is your favorite non-horror movie? A Night At The Roxbury.

Kweeny's Questions:

1. Describe a weird dream you've had lately. I can't really remember my dreams lately but I do remember having a dream about being in one of the Resident Evil games
2. Do you play any sort of games? Video games, RPG's, board games? If so what kind of games do you enjoy? No not really, I usually just watch movies
3. Show us something you bought recently. The last thing I bought was food. :D
4. What was the last film you saw? Amusement 
5. What is the first horror movie you ever saw? Terminator 
6. Do you like thunderstorms? Why or why not? Yeah I do but lightening makes my hearing aids short out.
7. What do you do in your spare time other than blog? Write stories , watch horror movies, daydream etc
8. Have you seen The Room?  Never even heard of it. :/ 
9. Do you like Musicals? Do you find yourself breaking out into song for days on end after seeing one? (I know I do.) No not really. I did grow up on Grease so I really like that one.
10. Favourite monster: Vampire, Werewolf, Undead, etc. Name as many as you'd like or all of them and tell us why you love them. My favorite horror monster are Zombies and Frankenstein 
11. Tales From The Crypt Keeper, X Files or Twlightzone? Tales From The Crypt and I use to watch X Files with my family on Sunday nights. 

I don't have 11 people to give this award to but here are the wonderful people that I chose. 

Annie @ Annie Walls
Maynard @ Horror Movie Diary 
Brittni @ It's On Random

My Questions:

1: What's your favorite horror movie?
2: What movie got you addicted to horror movies?
3: What is the one thing you cannot live without?
4: How are you doing? ;)
5: What's your favorite holiday and why?
6: What is your greatest memory as a child?
7: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
8: What's your favorite band and song?
9: Favorite food?
10: What's a major pet peeve of yours?
11: If you could come back as anything, what would you be? 

Now, to address the anonymous comments I have been getting. In one comment on my 200th post. They told me I shouldn't post about things like that because people come to my blog to read horror movie reviews not pain and suffering of me and my family. It also told me to get my priorities straight.

Well, let me tell you a thing or two. People come to my blog and continue to read my posts because they like me and they like what I write, regardless of the topic. Horror and non horror related. My 200th post wasn't all pain and suffering. Yes it was painful knowing he had to end up needing a heart transplant but he's five years old now and doing great. I have a wonderful relationship with my nephew and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Out of all the comments I got on that post, your anonymous comment was the only pissy one. Everyone else enjoyed my post and thought it was very sweet and touching. So put that in your juice box and suck it.  One last thing. If you don't like what I post, don't read it. Who are you to tell me what I can and can't post on MY blog. You don't own this blog, I do. If I want to make a non horror related post then I can, I've done it before and all my readers enjoyed it. 

My blog is called Memoirs Of A Scream Queen. Memoirs meaning An account of one's personal life and experiences.  That means I can post about anything that has to do with my life and it doesn't have to be horror related. I also have my priorities straight, which is this blog and keeping it up and running. I do appreciate all the comments I get and all my followers. But if all you're going to do is leave snotty comments on my blog of what annoys you and how I should do this or that then go away. I don't want that type of energy on my blog. My followers and horror family appreciate what I do and they enjoy my blog and they don't care if I make one or two posts that are non horror related.

If you really enjoy my style of writing then my non horror related posts shouldn't bother you. 

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