Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011

Why I Adore Lady GaGa...

I don't know if I made this clear with everyone but I have an undying love for Lady GaGa and I adore her. Everything about her, her music, fashion, style, personality, and her love for life just makes me smile. I wanted to take this opportunity to express how much I love this woman. When I first heard her on the radio with the song 'Just Dance' I thought it was Madonna but it was my Queen in the making. Lady GaGa goes out of her way to make her fans happy and you know she truly cares about them.

A lot of singers and actors/actresses always thank their fans when they win an award, when Lady GaGa thank her fans you know she's being sincere. She's doing what she loves to do and she doesn't let anyone hold her back. She has a strong head on her shoulders and she's heading in the right direction. You might think her style is a bit eccentric but I love it. Yeah it's crazy and bizarre but that what makes her special. She wears what she wants and she does what she wants and she doesn't care what other people think.

That's what I love about her, besides her music it's her way of life and knowing that she is really a true genuine person. Growing up in Jr. High and High School I was going through a phase where I was trying to find myself and the type of person I really was. I like to express myself through my style of clothing which was goth mixed with punk rock metal. Nobody liked that, nobody wanted me to dress like that and everyone kept telling me that wasn't the real me and it would make me so mad cause no one knew the real me, but me and no one knew what was going on in my mind and knew how I felt but me.

Because of that whole shabang I was never happy and I was always upset, I could never dress or do what I wanted to without someone voicing their unwanted opinion. The more I fought with everyone the more upset I would be. I tried giving in by dressing the way everyone wanted me too but I just couldn't do it. For me my outfits reflect my mood. If I'm feeling lazy and tired I would wear pj's all day. If I'm feeling great and pretty and in a bubbly mood I like to get all dolled up in cute clothes like I'm going out for a night on the town. With that being said it's no surprise why I wasn't happy with looking the way everyone else wanted me too. After a lot of thinking, bitching and glaring I finally decided enough was enough and I said screw it.

I ignored every one's opinion and dressed the way I wanted to and the way I felt was me. Of course there was scoffing and eye rolling but I just smiled and went on my way. This brings me to the reason why I adore Lady GaGa. She dresses the way she wants and she's not afraid or ashamed to express herself the way she knows is the real her. There's a lot of people out there that think she's weird or crazy but she doesn't care, she's proud of who she is and she should be. There's nothing wrong with being different or bizarre and Lady GaGa is showing the world just that. She is definitely a gift to the world. I love how she goes all out for her shows because she wants to make a lasting impression and she does. You know you made it big when you say the name Lady GaGa and every one's face changes, good or bad. She doesn't just make a lasting impression in her fashion or her shows but also her music.

Come on, her songs are pretty damn catchy and you can totally dance to them. People say that Madonna is the Queen of Pop but I think she has definitely been replaced by the wonderful Lady GaGa. Don't get me wrong I like Madonna's music and I love her style but I think Lady GaGa is ten times better and no one can compare to the beauty that she is. I love her music videos and her songs but most importantly the person she is. She has so much love for everyone she meets and she always tries to make everyone feel good. That is the type of person we all should strive to be. Because of all this, Lady GaGa is my idol and I look up to her. I swear if I met her I most likely will burst into tears, I'm not not joking I probably will. I just love that girl and think she is simply amazing. I just want to end this post with a shout out to Lady GaGa. Lady Gaga I love you, thank you for being you. Here is my favorite song and music video from her. 'Bad Romance.'

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