Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011

100 Followers, YAY!!

I am happy to announce that I now have 100 followers on my blog! I know it's not a lot compared to some of the great ones out there but for me it's a huge milestone that I accomplished. Reaching 100 followers I thought of a cool little thing to do every time I reach a milestone in my followers. Every time I get up to 150, 200, 250 etc followers I am going to spotlight my newest follower that brought me up to those numbers. My 100Th follower was Emma Yardis over at Little Gothic Horrors

Her style of blog is just beautiful and it's nice to meet another fellow horror sister. :D

For more on Emma here is a little bit about her.

"Hi, my name is Emma and I've always been smitten with the supernatural and the spooky. I have created this blog to be a dwelling place for all things delightfully dark. My family, my cat and my friends are the centre of my universe, and a night spent at home with a DVD and a Chinese take-away is my idea of a party. An actual party, oddly enough, is not my idea of a party." - Emma

Go show some love on her site because she deserves it, her blog is amazing and thanks to her I have 100 followers. Thank you Emma!! :D

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