Jumat, 04 November 2011

Happy Halloween!! (Late Halloween Post)

I'm sorry my Halloween post is so late, I got caught up with so many things. Better late then never I guess. Happy Halloween from Jenny Krueger!!

With Halloween, people start to stock up on their share of horror movies. T.v. channels have marathons of horror movies all the time and all day Halloween. For me I have a few traditions that involve holidays and movies. For my birthday I watch Children of the Corn, Valentines Day is My Bloody Valentine 3D. March, all of the Leprechaun movies except for the stupid "hood" ones. For Christmas I watch the Christmas episode of Supernatural, I'm also going to get Santa's Slay and Silent Night- Deadly Night.

For Halloween I have a wonderful collection of movies I watch, it is also the only time that I watch the most movies in one day. Even though I watch these movies all the time, I make sure to watch them on Halloween since they get me in the holiday spirit the most. I have decided to open up my Halloween Vault and show you which movies were lucky enough to make it in there.

Introducing Jenny Krueger's Halloween Movie Vault!! (in no particular order)

1. Carrie: Nothing says Halloween like Stephen King. "They're all gonna laugh at you!"

2. Return of the Living Dead: Favorite movie monster period.

3. Return to House on Haunted Hill: They had a dead nurse in that movie which inspired one of my Halloween costumes. Also, I'm a sucker for a zombie nurse.

4. Pumpkin head 2 Blood Wings: One of my favorite horror villains and this one is perfect. Pumpkin head and you carve pumpkins for Halloween. Yeah, genius! ;)

For 2011 I decided to add a new movie to my vault and I will be watching it every Halloween. The new movie is!!.. dun, dun, DUUUUUUNNNN!! The Human Centipede!! I know! I'm obsessed but come on, this movie is bad ass so of course it's going into the vault. These movies make me happy and definitely make Halloween more special. Now, tell me what your Halloween movie traditions are. Maybe I can get some new ideas for movies. I had such a wonderful Halloween and wish it wasn't over. For me and most of you, Halloween doesn't end when the clock strikes 12:00, it last year around. I always tell people I live and breath Halloween 24/7 365 days. This year I was Lady GaGa and at the end of the night I was a zombie. (go figure) Pictures below.
I hope everyone had a great Halloween and I wish you all the best for the Christmas season and New Year.

(Lady GaGa!!)


(I was trying to "eat" my BFF)

P.s. My blog has been nominated for the Horror Blog Award at TheMovie411 site. Please, please, PLEASE! vote for my blog. I really want to win this award! :D

TheMovie411 Blog Awards

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