Jumat, 29 Juli 2011

The HORRORS Of Online Dating.......

^^^ Mmmmhmmmm that's right!

We all know about them and we've all heard about them and we've all tried them at one time or another, but why is it that I always go back to them??? Online dating sites have been out in the world as long as I can remember. When someone wants to meet that special person and they have trouble meeting new people, they go for the online dating route. I've signed up on a few dating sites, like 2 or 3..... okay 8 and boy do I have some crazy stories to tell you. I'm not in school and I don't have much of a social life since all I do is work AND there's no eligible guys at my work, I decided to try the online dating experience for myself and I always get the same thing. DOUCHE BAGS!! The guys on the sites aren't the only problem you have to deal with, the girls are pretty nasty as well. With the guys you have the cocky jocks who think they can get into your pants by some smooth pick up line that isn't all that smooth, more crooked like. Then you have the blunt guys who wont let anything stand in their way in getting what they want which is why they'll just blurt out "You wanna get freaky?" Ha, no I don't.

Then you get the just plain dumb guys who will ask you stupid questions thinking they're actually scoring points with you when they're not, and you try to send them signals that aren't rude but obvious that you don't want to talk to them anymore but they still don't get it and they continue to annoy you. You also have the guys who try to act cool and funny on their profile by making a joke and they say to message them if you know the answer and when you do they never message you back. Hey, I'm totally fine if I'm not your type and you don't want to talk to me or anything like that, but don't make a joke and tell someone to message you letting you know that you got their joke when you wont even message back.

On to the girls....... Seeing the type of girls that are on this site makes me ashamed for even being a girl. You have your Virgin who's looking for their soul mate and will only have sex with you after you two get married. Then you have your high maintenance bitch who will turn down every single guy that messages her because they don't meet up to her high and demanding standards. Then you have the sluts who only want a one night stand and who will DO just about any one they can get. Last but not least you have the crazy psycho girls who are pretty much bipolar and you're not surprised as to why they're STILL single.

See, it's not pretty and as the days go by it's getting worse which is why it might not be a great idea to meet your future boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse off of a dating site. Don't get me wrong I've met some pretty awesome people offline and I'm very grateful that I know them but I've also met some skanky people, my ex boyfriend comes to mind. Jack ass stole money from me! I hope you all find this entertaining and educational because the world is a scary place and I wanted you all to know just how scary it is which is why I made this post. :D To tie up my post I wanted to show you JUST how scary online dating can be by showing you a little video a girl posted for eHarmony. It's so flippin' funny I almost peed my pants!

Crazy cat lover who wants a soulmate!

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