Minggu, 08 Mei 2011

Happy Mother's Day!!

Wendy Torrence:(The Shining) Her husband's a killer and he's after her and her son, she's crazy and she's got a baseball bat. Don't mess with her.

Morticia Addams:(The Addams Family) I've always loved her in this movie. I would be in complete awe by her when I would watch this and I've always wanted to be her.

Lily Munster:(The Munsters) She is classic beauty right there and you can definitely see her love for her family.

Pamela Voorhees:(Friday the 13Th) A mother and son relationship never been so strong, Mama V will do anything to protect her little boy Jason proving she is one kick ass mama.

Chris MacNeil:(The Exorcist) A true mother, she wouldn't sit around and let her daughter be possessed by a demon. She demanded people help her and she got what she wanted.

Margaret White:(Carrie) This proves that having a mother that is religious isn't always the best ;)

Amanda Krueger:(A Nightmare on Elm Street) Without her we wouldn't have Freddy Krueger.

I hope all the mother's had the best Mother's Day and to continue bringing the world bastard sons of a 100 maniacs ;)

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