Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

And The Award Goes To!!!......

I was kindly awarded the "Fair Dinkum Award" which is Australian phrase which as an adjective means “real” and as an expression means “Seriously?” or “For real?”... I wanted to thank him and pass it along to a few well deserving sites, that I have grown to love...

I also wanted to announce my new award that I made. It's called "You make me SCREAM!!" award. The rules for the award is as followed, thank the person who gave you the award with a link to their blog, then give this award to 10 blogs that make you want to SCREAM!! for joy. The blogs that make you SCREAM!! with excitement every time you see that they updated their blog. If we're lucky this award will help us spread the fear and love for all things horror! I would like to give this award to.......

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