Selasa, 12 Oktober 2010

Oozing Thoughts Of A ADHD/O.C.D. Mind Pt. 2:

I have writers block and I've had it for awhile now. I can't seem to think of what I should write on my blog.
On the road to lose 30lbs, I haven't had a soda for almost a month. For me that's a BIG thing since I would drink 12 cokes a day.

I have two Halloween parties I'm attending this month so the first Halloween bash is on Oct. 30Th at my club The Hotel and I'm going as a pin up nurse. My second Halloween bash will be on Halloween and it's a house party at one of my friends house. My costume is the winner of the poll that everyone voted on. BTW thanks to everyone who voted on my Halloween poll!

A lot of people think being called a necrophiliac is a bad thing but I guess I'm weird cause I take it as a compliment :D

I should start my own clothing line, It's the type of style that I think people would actually wear.

Sometimes I feel that I should make some voodoo dolls because I work in retail and our customers are butt faces.

A customer asked me when my baby was due and I told him I wasn't pregnant and he said "my bad I thought you were." That is the reason why I'm on my diet to lose 30lbs. My work has a running joke that my baby is the son of Satan since they know how much I love horror movies.

Bagel bites is seriously the best food ever to be invented. It's soooo good and I eat them all the time. If you haven't tried them before then you're really missing out.

My Chemical Romance has released a song from their new album to be released sometime in November. I have to say that it's pretty good and I'm really excited for it to come out since that's my favorite band.

It takes a lot to offend me that's why I get irritated when people get offended over stupid little things that aren't even offensive. People need to pull the stick out of their ass.

Christmas is coming so now I need to start my list of all the things I want for Christmas. I expect all of my followers to buy me a Christmas present cause I'm a greedy bastard ;P

On this post I like to give a shout out to my boys. JohnnyHorror from Horrorland, J. Astro from The Cheap Bin and Jeremy from iZombie. You guys complete me ;)

To all of my followers, you now can follow me on facebook and myspace! To be able to find me on facebook and myspace put in my email address. and remember to follow me on twitter/missjennyb666

When you think about it, Katy Perry's song "Teenage Dream" is a dirty song. If you listen to the song you'll know what I'm talking about. "Lets go all the way tonight." "Put your hands on me in my skin tight jeans." Yeah Katy I know what your talking about. Perv

I found out that their doing a remake of the horror movie "Child's Play." I just have one thing to say about that. OH HELL NO!!!

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