Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010

Review, The Last Exorcism:

I like to start out this review with how much I loved this movie it was pure awesomeness. Besides Zombies I love anything that has to do with demons and the devil. I must warn you that this review WILL contain spoilers so if you haven't seen the movie I suggest you stop reading right about................. NOW! The movie is about Reverend Cotton Marcus agreeing to let his last exorcism be filmed. It shows him talking about faith and how at one point he questioned his faith in God and didn't really believe in him. I think it's funny how at one point he doesn't believe in God but he continues to spread the gospel, what ever happened to practice what you preach? He talks about when his son was born deaf it helped strengthen his faith in God. This movie also had some humor in it and it wasn't too much either that it ruined the movie, I think it actually helped the movie. My favorite part of the movie was when he was preaching to the people in the church he kept yelling "Praise the Lord!" "Can I get a Amen?!" "When you put the banana nut bread in the oven remember to praise the Lord for blessing you with this banana nut bread!" I can't help but laugh the whole entire time of that scene it was just freakin funny. During that scene my friend who I went to the movie with says to me that's why I don't go to church and I said Amen! lol

He holds up a deck of cards and says that lies have many faces and he shows the Jack card to everyone and says the root of all lies and he is everywhere while he spreads across the deck of cards to show that their all Jack cards and I yell out "Oh snap!" then everyone in the theatre started laughing, yeah I know I'm funny. After all of that he explains to the camera crew that he doesn't believe in exorcisms and he thinks their nothing but scams and he wants expose them for what they really are. He read a article that a boy was suffocated during an exorcism and he wants this "last exorcism" to help people and have it help save the children from dying. He gets a letter from a man that explains in the letter that he thinks his daughter needs an exorcism since she's acting weird and all of his livestock have been getting killed by his daughter and she doesn't even remember doing it. He brings his camera crew to the outskirts of Louisiana to film him helping this girl. They head down to Sweetzer farm where Louis, Caleb and Nell (who is the girl that's possessed) lives.

While they were driving they stop to ask for directions to the farm and that's where they meet Caleb and he tells them to turn around and go back to where they came from so they drive away and he starts throwing rocks at their car. He sure is one creepy dude. Once they get to the farm and meet everyone he sits down with Nell to talk about her life and see how she's been doing which shows you that she's a very shy and timid girl. She tells them that she doesn't remember ever killing the animals and she's scared cause she doesn't know what's going on. He tells Nell's dad Louis what type of demon that's in Nell then he heads outside to get ready for the exorcism Caleb walks out and tells him that if anything happens to his sister that he will hurt Rev. Cotton and he looks at him all weird like and walks away... CREEEPPPYYY! He blesses Nell's room and ask everyone to come in and have Nell lay on her bed then he performs the "exorcism" while he's doing the exorcism he shows clips of how he performed it and how it was fake to scare everyone into thinking the demon is gone so everyone will be alright. In my opinion I think that little fake exorcism is what brought the demon into Nell's body.

After that Nell starts showing real signs that she's possessed and when they went back to the farm they saw Nell and her dad yelling cause Nell was freaking out at Caleb and slashed his mouth. Cotton is freaking out cause he doesn't know what's going on and he doesn't know what to do. After they take Nell to the hospital they found out that Nell is pregnant and now things are starting to get bad cause their first thought was incest and my first thought was EEEWWW! Nell explains that she was impregnated by Logan the boy who works at the local diner and Cotton calls for help from Pastor Manley from the local Church where Nell use to go to Sunday school at so he head down to the farm to pray with Nell so Cotton and his crew leave and they drive past the local diner where Logan works at and decides to pay him a visit. They ask him about what Nell said and he says that she is lying and he's never done anything with her and he only talked to her for about a min last summer during a event being thrown by Pastor Manley. They realize that Nell was making the whole thing up and Logan didn't knock her up since he's gay and what they didn't get was why Nell was at a summer event with Pastor Manley when he claimed he hasn't seen her for two years.

Something is certainly up so they drive back to the farm and they see big flames roaring in the back yard of the farm and they see a lot of people standing around chanting while Nell is on a table with her legs spread apart and the Pastor's wife is delivering Nell's baby while Pastor Manley is dressed up in a red velvet cloak and chanting some satanic mumbo jumbo. They look through the binoculars and sees that Louis is tied up to something that looked like a tree but it wasn't a tree. Cotton starts praying to his crucifix then he runs out to the fire crying out to the Lord then his camera crew runs off screaming and Iris gets killed so the camera man runs off and he gets to the middle of the woods trying to decide where to go then he turns around and sees Caleb and he was dressed like he was out of Children of the Corn lol then Caleb cuts off his head and the camera falls to the ground then the movie ends. Everyone dies, what a happy ending to a delightful movie. One of the things I liked about this movie is when Cotton is talking about the devil and demons he says if you believe in God then you have to believe in the Devil and I completely agree with that. A lot of people would say I believe in God but not the Devil and I'm here thinking how is that possible, you can't just believe in one of them. I'm not a very religious person I'm a agnostic and I'm anti-religion but I love any movies that have to do with demons, the devil and exorcisms cause I know they can happen.

I believe in order for one's self to be possessed by a demon they have to invite them first. The demon looks for people that have an open door or a crack in the door then they slowly make their way into that person. I do believe you have to let yourself be possessed by the things you are doing. If your not doing anything bad or anything that would give a evil spirit access then you have nothing to worry about. I may not believe in religion but I do believe in God, the devil and the Apocalypse (not talking about the Zombie Apocalypse the other one) now I wont get into that cause that's a whole different story but if you REALLY want to know my belief in the Apocalypse then send me a message and I might tell you ;) I really enjoyed this movie and it wasn't what I expected and a lot better too. If your into demons and the devil and exorcism movies then this is a must see. The first part was a little boring but not too boring to drift off so your still entertained through the movie. Very good exorcism movie, to think that my dad told me not to see this haha! I give this movie 4 out of 5 Skulls.

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