Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

The Loved Ones Trailer & News!

The Loved Ones came out in Australia in 2009. Had screenings at a few U.S. film festivals in 2010. The movie got such amazing reviews, they decided to officially release the movie in the U.S. The only catch, it's being released in a few select cities.  Fear not my little Demons, if the movie isn't showing a screening in your city, you can always request a screening.  Unfortunately for me, I live in a state (Utah) that isn't very well liked or known for having big events going on. Besides having the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah is pretty much snoozeville.

I've always been interested in seeing this film since it's release in the horror industry. The concept of the movie is very well thought out. One review it got says it's Sixteen Candles meet Texas Chainsaw Massacre. If that doesn't draw a crowd to it, I don't know what will. The movie is about a shy, lonely girl named Lola who asked  her crush and fellow classmate, Brent to Prom. He turns her down because he's already going with his girlfriend Holly.

Crushed by the rejection, Lola comes up with the perfect plan for revenge. She's going to have the Prom she's always wanted and nothing is going to stand in her way. Brent's Prom night consists of Pink satin, blood, syringes, power drills and one seriously messed up chick. Sounds like a party to me!

The few select cities that will be showing a screening of The Loved Ones starting June 1st are...

Los Angeles 

New York

San Francisco




Just one more reason why I need to live in Los Angeles. If your city is not posted, you can always request a screening here. I did, we'll see if it actually happens.

The Loved Ones Trailer:

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